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Report - - PoW Camp, Essex | Military Sites |

Report - PoW Camp, Essex

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28DL Full Member
28DL Full Member
This place has been covered before, but being fairly local, it's been on my list before.

Hastily built in 1941 to house Italian, Austrian and German soldiers who were captured in battle across Europe and Africa.

So refreshing to see hardly any vandalism / graffiti.

i loved this place. You could almost feel the atmosphere from the days gone by there.











Amateur and proud
28DL Full Member
I like your pictures and the black and white works for this.

You do need to amend your title to include the proper location for this (it isn't in Essex) and the month of your visit. If you are ever unsure then take a look at the FAQ section which is really helpful. Keep going pal, be good to see what else you've got for us.


28DL Full Member
28DL Full Member
I like your pictures and the black and white works for this.

You do need to amend your title to include the proper location for this (it isn't in Essex) and the month of your visit. If you are ever unsure then take a look at the FAQ section which is really helpful. Keep going pal, be good to see what else you've got for us.

Trust me, this is VERY MUCH in Essex.
The site is so intact, has historical value, and is free of vandalism that I don't think it's right to disclose the exact location


A fellow of infinite jest
28DL Full Member
Some decent photos there showing the damage since last year.

is free of vandalism that I don't think it's right to disclose the exact location

Hardly free of vandalism mate and also the reports linked below give it's full name and 4 give it's location. You've even read some of them. It's hardly a secret.
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Amateur and proud
28DL Full Member
Trust me, this is VERY MUCH in Essex.
The site is so intact, has historical value, and is free of vandalism that I don't think it's right to disclose the exact location

Apologies, I thought Hertfordshire for some reason.

My geographical mistake notwithstanding, the forum rules state that you have to give the correct name and date in your report title. Your report on St Crispins follows the rules and so should this. Also, the place is hugely well known and is pretty trashed so a bit late to protect it sadly.


Muppet extraordinaire
Apologies, I thought Hertfordshire for some reason.

My geographical mistake notwithstanding, the forum rules state that you have to give the correct name and date in your report title. Your report on St Crispins follows the rules and so should this. Also, the place is hugely well known and is pretty trashed so a bit late to protect it sadly.
you people ARE RULES mental........if you obeyed rules then you would not get into these places in the first place.


Amateur and proud
28DL Full Member
you people ARE RULES mental........if you obeyed rules then you would not get into these places in the first place.

I cannot begin to describe how much I object to the term "you people".

And with regard to the rest - whilst I appreciate the irony you point out, it just baffles me. There are loads of forums that don't ask for this stuff so if people are against it then feel free not to post here, surely? I think it's just that it comes up time and time again, almost as if people were being forced to use this forum and then beaten down by the rules, which isn't the case so far as I am aware?


Muppet extraordinaire
I cannot begin to describe how much I object to the term "you people".

And with regard to the rest - whilst I appreciate the irony you point out, it just baffles me. There are loads of forums that don't ask for this stuff so if people are against it then feel free not to post here, surely? I think it's just that it comes up time and time again, almost as if people were being forced to use this forum and then beaten down by the rules, which isn't the case so far as I am aware? why I do not post here anymore........there are FAR TOO MANY of YOU PEOPLE taking offence TO EVERY FUCKING THING.


Amateur and proud
28DL Full Member why I do not post here anymore........there are FAR TOO MANY of YOU PEOPLE taking offence TO EVERY FUCKING THING.

When did I say I had taken offence to anything, my precious little poppet? I stated that I objected to the pejorative expression of "you people", as it is daft to lump folk together just because of a single shared interest. I am a former infantry soldier and I'd doubt you could offend me if you tried.

Instead I find it laughable that you choose to resurrect a thread from 2 months ago, bemoaning my comment and then get stroppy when I dare come back at you. That is before I touch on the fact that the moment I offer a counter opinion you resort to swearing, showing all of us your base level of argument.

Interesting that you mention you do not post here anymore. You joined in June (last month) and were posting about a stable block you had found last week. I am not too sure that in such a short space of time there can an 'anymore' to reference. It is also surprising you have come to this opinion when posting just 29 times, especially as 3 of those posts are in this very thread. Clearly you have exemplary powers of perception. So, has someone forced you to use this forum? Has someone compelled you to complain about something you disagree with? Or, (and I rather suspect that this is the correct answer) do you just need to simmer down and stop taking stuff like this so darned seriously?

Like I said, plenty of other forums.
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Muppet extraordinaire
Says the person reacting irrationally to what could only ever be called a minor provocation.
rules rules rules......when every single one of you on here are rule breakers or you would not be doing what you do......hypocrisy you just dont have the intelligence to understand maybe?.....just like governments have....the irony is unreal....yet you lot on THIS ONE SITE do not get it at all......


Muppet extraordinaire
I do this FOR MY OWN ENJOYMENT....not an EGO BASED advertisement of how great I am....look what I THAT is what I see here.....Egos and control maniacs. I even went 4 hours out of my way to go and check out a rumour a few weeks ago from here....filmed it from the air and the ground then got stuck in over 4 hours of traffic to get home as I live a long way from where the rumoured abandoned building was in south london...Then all this bollocks about not putting dates on a report and addresses etc gets sent to me as well as attitudes from egotistical pricks who think their shit does not stink. I have been to numerous abandoned places in the past few weeks......but I am not posting ANYTHING on here...or anywhere else at the moment.....and another issue with this site is my canon 5D mark 2 images will not upload to this site without me reducing the image size and quality out of the camera as I shoot in RAW for best quality images yet have to reduce quality for here too........ :[


Amateur and proud
28DL Full Member
rules rules rules......when every single one of you on here are rule breakers or you would not be doing what you do......hypocrisy you just dont have the intelligence to understand maybe?.....just like governments have....the irony is unreal....yet you lot on THIS ONE SITE do not get it at all......

You talk of intelligence yet continue with this bizarre stream of consciousness rant, devoid of punctuation or structure.

In all honesty my good man, I would have a lot more respect for your point of view if you actually acknowledged a single point I put to you. Instead you seem to be arguing from the 'I can shout louder than you' school, whilst demonstrating the emotional maturity of an amoeba. Seriously - read back your comment, have you responded to a single thing I have said or have you just sprouted cliches? Save it for 4Chan where it belongs.


Muppet extraordinaire
You talk of intelligence yet continue with this bizarre stream of consciousness rant, devoid of punctuation or structure.

In all honesty my good man, I would have a lot more respect for your point of view if you actually acknowledged a single point I put to you. Instead you seem to be arguing from the 'I can shout louder than you' school, whilst demonstrating the emotional maturity of an amoeba. Seriously - read back your comment, have you responded to a single thing I have said or have you just sprouted cliches? Save it for 4Chan where it belongs.
Tonight I have found a 400 year old statue in the woods in my area neglected and being damaged by vandals and the like...yet Historic England and the other so called Nations heritage companies leave this to rot... and am trying to access a Pugin designed chapel in my very historic area too. None of these I feel like sharing on here though. and yes I have not been on HERE for very long, but this does not mean I do not have plenty to post at just means i have only just joined this site to see how it is run and indeed to see if I wish to post any further reports upon here...or keep them for elsewhere as I do not see many new ones at all on here....and I have a few nobody but myself has been into and some not even been explored at all. I apologize if I have ranted a bit too much..i know I can be an intense person and I have celtic blood too which does not help... I do this for my enjoyment and to be constantly "brought to book" over things i see as not that important riles me. The giving out of locations too, especially when they are "untainted" is just asking for places to be ruined by those with losser moralities shall we say does it not.....the place in the woods is stunning and would be a terrible thing to lose because some retard was having a bad day and decided to take it out on the place in the woods.

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