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Report - - Priory Campus - Fife - 25/10/2020 | Other Sites |

Report - Priory Campus - Fife - 25/10/2020

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28DL Member
28DL Member
My first report here, lockdown and isolating got in the way of exploring....

After some research around empty properties/vacant sites in Fife I stumbled upon The Priory Campus/Halls of residence. Done a bit of research on them and could see they had been vacant since around 2016 - There are two buildings I explored on this recce visit - The Priory House itself (A 'B' listed building) and the Round house.

The Priory House - Broken glass is everywhere, its obviously been used repeatedly as a hangout for the local kids, however it was a lovely little place to walk round (A sturdy staircase to the upper level was appreciated). Above the stairwell is evidence of a stained glass circular window, absolutely destroyed/smashed unfortunately. Not much remains inside, however most doors still have the ROOM ID on the front.

The Round House itself was a student accommodation block, the copper collectors have obviously been out in force as there are wires everywhere - Multiple fires have removed the second floor roof, again there is very little 'left' from the time it was in use - Surprisingly baths are still to be found in tact, as well as toilets.

I am, hopefully, returning next week with my full camera kit and headtorch (As well as heavy boots) to do a far more detailed explore/report. For now a small selection of images I captured on this recce visit -




A couple of quick shots from the first floor of the priory.



A selection of shots in/round The Round House






And finally you can see the rather unique airflow idea for this property that the little 'darlings' created when the upper floors were set ablaze:



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grumpy sod
Regular User
What's the current state of the large former mill that was used as another campus building just down from the roundhouse? These two were locked up very tight when I went in 2017 but surprisingly the mill building was accessible.


28DL Member
28DL Member
What's the current state of the large former mill that was used as another campus building just down from the roundhouse? These two were locked up very tight when I went in 2017 but surprisingly the mill building was accessible.

Saw on the map there was something connected just down from it. Checked google street view and I was unsure if it was occupied or not, will wander down to have a look next weekend


grumpy sod
Regular User
Saw on the map there was something connected just down from it. Checked google street view and I was unsure if it was occupied or not, will wander down to have a look next weekend

Looking at Google maps it appears its been reopened as an art school type deal so chances are it's no longer a doable thing.


28DL Member
28DL Member
Oh man the round house I has a office in there it was once a place for affordable office space a lot of creative industries used it. This was after it was halls shame to see it like this