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Report - - Quinto Cranes Ltd..Norwich, April 2024 | Industrial Sites | Page 2 |

Report - Quinto Cranes Ltd..Norwich, April 2024

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Got Epic Slow?
Regular User
Didn't realise they had gone under.. and yeh the calendars are still a thing just about.. I think the reps know where they can get away with offering them!


28DL Regular User
Regular User
Even stripped it looks a good nosey. Nice big areas to shoot. I like the poster, so they haven't seen my cat, damn. The old photos are pretty cool too. If there toilets to be seen, you will always find them lol. Im guess workers got slimy and office shiny ;)
I still was here three hours nearly, so definitely a good nosey. I love the old photos a lot. I will definitely find the bogs ha ha, they were not hard to find though. Yeah you guessed right about who got what toilets.
On a side note I went in this run down cottage the other week with no roof. It had the most gorgeous chimneys. I thought Jane would like these.


28DL Regular User
Regular User
Didn't realise they had gone under.. and yeh the calendars are still a thing just about.. I think the reps know where they can get away with offering them!
No neither had I to be honest. I am shocked they are around. We would not be allowed anything like that now. I suppose they know the companies that are smaller and won't worry to much about that stuff.

Calamity Jane

i see beauty in the unloved, places & things
Regular User
I still was here three hours nearly, so definitely a good nosey. I love the old photos a lot. I will definitely find the bogs ha ha, they were not hard to find though. Yeah you guessed right about who got what toilets.
On a side note I went in this run down cottage the other week with no roof. It had the most gorgeous chimneys. I thought Jane would like these.
Oh yes, I love a good built chimney. They outlast everything :)


28DL Regular User
Regular User

Here you go, i took a pic. Even found a toilet hid in the trees ha ha



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