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Report - RAF Bawburgh

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28DL Member
28DL Member
Report from back in 2015 and i've sat on it ever since. Also, this is my first report as I've been a member for years and never contributed so soz about that!

I had an explorer mate who checked on this site regularly as he lived nearby. After what he said was near on 2 years of drawing a blank, one Friday he found it open. He got in touch and I made the pilrimage from Yorkshire.

The place was huge and the first thing I noticed was the electricity was on and there was equipment buzzing away. I have since heard that someone bought the site and maybe opens it up for folk now and again but how much of that is true I don't know. There's not much in there aside from the equipment buzzing away and we did try make it into a control room but the blast door was locked. The upstairs consisted of large empty rooms but there were drawers of soil and seed samples, maybe for replanting after a nuke strike

Anyway, I'm glad i drove 4 hours to see it :)


Kitchen area











Old soap bars





Soil and seeds


A good 25' down I reckon




Calamity Jane

i see beauty in the unloved, places & things
Regular User
Nice this. No wonder you sat on it then. I bet its a very different site now? Nice mooch for sure. :thumbNice way to open your account on 28dl


Got Epic Slow?
Regular User
This bit is the RGHQ bunker and the Rotor access tunnel. The actual Rotor bunker is behind the blast doors. Never made it in there myself but it was open very briefly a few years ago. The place is too well looked after for it to stay open for long.

The buzzing is from the battery charger. They keep the battery charged for emergency lighting I think although the rack mounted stuff in the tunnel puzzled me a bit. At the time I thought it might be some kind of ancient alarm system so gave it a wide berth but I'm doubtful now.

There wasnt much in the Rotor itself in the end which was surprising as they keep a keen eye on it for some reason! Kind of expected a weed grow or somthing!

stoff urbex

I hate mannequin's
28DL Full Member
very very jealous , i live very close to this rotor been wanting to get in there for years , Is it still owned by Highpoint Communications ?? they only wanted to use the site for Communication antenna's but think they never used it , also im sure i read that this rotor was doubled in size at some point


Got Epic Slow?
Regular User
I think it's still the same owners. Very attentive and the police are involved regularly. These photos are from the extension that 'doubled' it.


28DL Full Member
28DL Full Member
Very nice explore. I wish we had interesting places like this to visit here in Australia. I would love to have a sneak peak at something like this


28DL Member
28DL Member
very very jealous , i live very close to this rotor been wanting to get in there for years , Is it still owned by Highpoint Communications ?? they only wanted to use the site for Communication antenna's but think they never used it , also im sure i read that this rotor was doubled in size at some point
There's a few PMR antennae on the mast, and a Youtube vid online of a two way satellite system installed- but this might just be the geeky end of DIY security. Strange that the owner has never responded to people - could make a real tourist attraction like the Essex one. I actually toured the whole thing legit back in the early 90s when it was auctioned off... but chickened out and didn't bid for it. Highpoint won and the rest is rather dull history!


28DL Member
28DL Member
Had a look around here the other day, locked up completely, no access inside at all now. Live so close to it I can walk there in 10 minutes so will keep trying my luck and see what comes of it

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