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Report - - RAF Brunton Northumberland : 2018 | Military Sites |

Report - RAF Brunton Northumberland : 2018

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Alice o123

28DL Full Member
28DL Full Member
When searching for places to explore, I stumbled across this rather interesting abandoned site; An abandoned Northumbrian airfield about 10 miles north from Alnwick. It was opened in 1942 for the purpose of pilot training in Northumberland and contains 3 runways and many buildings and bunkers; many of which are now disused.

Even though it closed down after world war 2, it was stil used as the main location for the Borders Parachute Centre, which closed its doors in 2004. Some of it was also used for general aviation purposes.

Furthermore, it was converted into farmland for livestock in the late 1900’s and the farmer allowed many learner drivers to use this spot’s runways for practicing manoeuvres and driving skills in the 1990’s. However since the ownership of the farm changed hands, use of the farmland for driving practice was banned and has remained this way ever since.

Over two separate visits to the airfield, I have still not explored the whole thing. It is a huge site! But I did explore some very interesting parts of it, especially some of the old buildings. Here is what I found:


There was even an abandoned caravan right next to the derelict hangar!

It was an interesting explore. I’m considering returning to explore more of the location at some point in the future. But it was well worth the visits.


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