This building was used in both WW1 & WW2, then some time after that it was sold to OFCOM. In 2005 OFCOM stopped using the site, and it was then sold to developers.
There was a fire a few years ago, and another one a few months back, but it's a conspiracy that the fire was caused by developers as the original plans for the building (in 2015) were to convert it into flats, but that would've been too expensive so rumour has it that the developers set fire to the building so that they would save money and just get rid of the site all together and build on top of that, which would be cheaper than converting the building. Typical developers these days....
: Apparently that is what is believed by those at the working Kenley Aerodrome about the first fire. I think the recent one was was arson.... As you will see from my photographs, it’s definitely had its fair share of vandalism! The building has definitely gone beyond being able to be saved which is a shame!
Visited with @oleo.21
Heads up to Leo for showing me this place! I do love a good old officers mess if I may say so myself!
Apart from Leo’s thread I also hadn’t seen this place posted on here in years so I assumed the place may have been demolished... I was wrong, it still stands!
The Kenley Aerodrome isn't abandoned at all and the airfield is still in use so be careful if you go here, make sure you take a route that doesn’t involve going across the active RAF Base. They do have a flight sim, the Air Cadets 450 squadron is based here.
It took us a while to get onto the site but we managed to do it within 15 minutes. It was a hot day and I was wearing a thick jumper so the 15 minutes felt like an hour due to the heat! After walking through the woods we saw some fence with a huge hole cut into it, so obviously we squeezed through that and after a few steps I saw the building. I was over the moon, from what I could see. I was very happy I had done the 3ish hour journey to it.... Something that will always stand out is the pillars on the front of the building, they were definitely my favourite feature to this place! I also liked how it was contrasted with the modern glass doors!
When we saw more of the outside we realised the building was actually a lot bigger than what we had both expected.... Even the google maps overhead made it look a bit smaller...
I don’t have to much say on the building over than some of the rooms downstairs and the whole of the upstairs had so been burnt out that most of the ceiling doesn't actually exist anymore!
It had a couple nice big rooms, some would refer as halls. The yellow room was stunning and I really liked the semi circled shaped windows to. The pink hall looked cool but was rank due to the layers of pigeon poo all over the floor and everywhere basically... the place is overall very filthy and ruined. Most of the building is fire damaged if I’m honest, and if it’s not fire damaged it’s damaged by the layers of filth the pigeons have produced over the years!
The roof was accessible which made some amazing pictures. The only disappointment I had was to find another part of this site wasn't accessible and was tightly sealed. It looked really cool and not to decayed from what I could see from the top windows!
None the less, an enjoyable calm explore!
This building was used in both WW1 & WW2, then some time after that it was sold to OFCOM. In 2005 OFCOM stopped using the site, and it was then sold to developers.
There was a fire a few years ago, and another one a few months back, but it's a conspiracy that the fire was caused by developers as the original plans for the building (in 2015) were to convert it into flats, but that would've been too expensive so rumour has it that the developers set fire to the building so that they would save money and just get rid of the site all together and build on top of that, which would be cheaper than converting the building. Typical developers these days....

Visited with @oleo.21
Heads up to Leo for showing me this place! I do love a good old officers mess if I may say so myself!

Apart from Leo’s thread I also hadn’t seen this place posted on here in years so I assumed the place may have been demolished... I was wrong, it still stands!
The Kenley Aerodrome isn't abandoned at all and the airfield is still in use so be careful if you go here, make sure you take a route that doesn’t involve going across the active RAF Base. They do have a flight sim, the Air Cadets 450 squadron is based here.
It took us a while to get onto the site but we managed to do it within 15 minutes. It was a hot day and I was wearing a thick jumper so the 15 minutes felt like an hour due to the heat! After walking through the woods we saw some fence with a huge hole cut into it, so obviously we squeezed through that and after a few steps I saw the building. I was over the moon, from what I could see. I was very happy I had done the 3ish hour journey to it.... Something that will always stand out is the pillars on the front of the building, they were definitely my favourite feature to this place! I also liked how it was contrasted with the modern glass doors!
When we saw more of the outside we realised the building was actually a lot bigger than what we had both expected.... Even the google maps overhead made it look a bit smaller...
I don’t have to much say on the building over than some of the rooms downstairs and the whole of the upstairs had so been burnt out that most of the ceiling doesn't actually exist anymore!
It had a couple nice big rooms, some would refer as halls. The yellow room was stunning and I really liked the semi circled shaped windows to. The pink hall looked cool but was rank due to the layers of pigeon poo all over the floor and everywhere basically... the place is overall very filthy and ruined. Most of the building is fire damaged if I’m honest, and if it’s not fire damaged it’s damaged by the layers of filth the pigeons have produced over the years!
The roof was accessible which made some amazing pictures. The only disappointment I had was to find another part of this site wasn't accessible and was tightly sealed. It looked really cool and not to decayed from what I could see from the top windows!
None the less, an enjoyable calm explore!