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Report - - Rauceby Asylum - Lincolnshire Mar 2020 | Asylums and Hospitals |

Report - Rauceby Asylum - Lincolnshire Mar 2020

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28DL Full Member
28DL Full Member
This is another place which has been done a lot but thought it was worth a look seen as I was in the area...

Unfortunately a huge amount of this site has gone, its a real shame they were allowed to knock it down before anyone stepped in.

Work began on Kesteven County Asylum in 1897 and finished in 1902. It was designed to take 420 patients relieving the nearby Asylum at Bracebridge Heath.
The 112 acre sites gardens and grounds were landscaped by the male patients.
The Asylum was taken over by the RAF during the war serving as a crash and burns unit.
Dure to the introduction of 'Care in the Community' the hospital suffered a decline in us over the 1980's and later closed in December 1997 as Rauceby Hospital. The majority of the site has either been demolished or developed for housing however a few stripped out buildings remain, they cannot get planning permission to demolish the buildings but also have been refused planning to develop as the plans were not sympathetic enough to the original buildings so for now it remains in limbo.
i believe the chapel has been sold to a private buyer.
There is a security porta cabin by the main admin building, he was there on our visit yesterday, there are camera's on walls too but despite this we managed to get a good look around and got in to 2 of the buildings.

Here you can see the extent of what has already been demolished :-(














28DL Full Member
28DL Full Member
yeah all breeze blocked up so you cant get in. you could probably get in if you took a ladder and a crowbar or electric screwdriver but would have to go IF and when security is not there


Ignorant Youth
Surprised not much has changed since I went 3 years ago. I thought they were redeveloping it. The admin block is nothing but a concrete shell inside now.


Irresponsible & Reckless
Regular User
Nice update that.

You should have checked out orchard house too. The satellite wards a lot of people seem to miss.

It might have been ripped down now to be fair.

Calamity Jane

i see beauty in the unloved, places & things
Regular User
Nice opening shot , gets the whole building and clock tower. What a shame its still doing nothing.


Staff member
This looks exactly the same as it did when we were there in 2012! With the addition of the breeze blocks obviously

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