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Report - Rauceby Hospital, Quarrington - June 2023

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28DL Full Member
28DL Full Member
Yesterday we visited Rauceby Asylum in Sleaford, Lincolnshire. I'd never been before and on our tour of urbex sites around Lincolnshire, this place was at the top of the "to do" list.

Rauceby Hospital, also known as Kesteven County Asylum, is a long since closed mental institution in Sleaford, Lincolnshire, England. Originally opened in 1902, I was surprised to find the hospital was only closed as recently as 1997. The site is still standing but there are signs of redevelopment.

It was also interesting to find that in 1940 the building was taken over by the Royal Air Force and renamed as No.4 RAF Hospital Rauceby. It became a crash and burns unit under the control of nearby RAF Cranwell. During its time as a burns unit, plastic surgery was pioneered here and burns victims emerged as members of the "Guinea Pig Club".

For this quick trip around the asylum, I took only my iPhone 14 Pro; the light was good and we were on a schedule so no tripod faffery this time:

I didn't bother to take my "proper" camera and took along my iPhone 14 Pro with it's promise of super duper images. Whilst the images look fine on social media, having a 32" 4K monitor this image quality doesn't stand up too well...










28DL Regular User
Regular User
Thanks, the iPhone shots always look a bit oversharpened to me but I like what it does with the Simpsons fluffy clouds lol
Slightly! But I find all phones are the same these days, but they are handy when you are in a situation where you don't have the camera on you or can't be bothered etc


28DL Full Member
28DL Full Member
Slightly! But I find all phones are the same these days, but they are handy when you are in a situation where you don't have the camera on you or can't be bothered etc
I walk around with an iPhone and a little 5000 lumen pocket beast, a Sofirn IF25a instead of lugging a camera bag full of gear and a big 'ol tripod. For the days when I can't be bothered lol


28DL Member
28DL Member
I thought this had been redeveloped, cool shots, I lived here for a while (girlfriend was student nurse) in 90/91 when they turned part of it into student nurse accommodation, the other half was still full of patients, it was quite unusual to say the least. Often wandered about taking a trip back.


28DL Full Member
28DL Full Member
Yup, it's had a Planning Application submitted in June. Partial demolition and new houses in between. It's real handy knowing how to navigate a planning portal haha


  • 23_0759_FUL-PROPOSED_SITE_PLAN_1_OF_2-2164512.pdf
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