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Report - - Region 6 War Room Nuclear Bunker Reading June 2020 | Underground Sites |

Report - Region 6 War Room Nuclear Bunker Reading June 2020

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28DL Full Member
28DL Full Member
This Is My Visit To Reading War Rooms on 6th Of June 2020 Iv Tryed And Tryed To Get Into This Place I Finnaly Found A Way. Most Bunkers I Have Visited This One Really suprrised Me How Clean It Was Inside, Also Cant Beleve The Amount Of Stuff Inside Still Most Of It I Would Say Still Works The Power In The Bunker Is Swiched Off Aprently It Used To Work And So did The Genarator
The war room takes the form of a two level windowless building, with the upper level being above ground level and protected by massive concrete walls, while the lower level is below ground level. The building is surmounted by towers containing filtration equipment. The bunker was designed to cope with attacks by weapons of the type used during the atomic bombings of Hiroshima and Nagasaki during World War II
Regional War Rooms built during the 1950s and designed to co-ordinate civil defence in the event of an attack on the country using conventional bombs or atom bombs





















grumpy sod
Regular User
It's a very nice one this - perhaps remove the access details from your text though as that's a quick way to get something sealed.


28DL Full Member
28DL Full Member
It's a very nice one this - perhaps remove the access details from your text though as that's a quick way to get something sealed.
Its already been sealed mate i seen secuerty leaving there and thay wasent happy thay fort thay left the door open haha

Calamity Jane

i see beauty in the unloved, places & things
Regular User
Nice to see this. Love the old map & files. A suspicious amount of empty plant pots there!
Though I wouldn't give exact details about day of visit, I know you said access was now sealed. But its obviously a weak spot.

Bando Exploration

Ins unbekannte wagen
28DL Full Member
I'd like to point that out actually be careful what you post like information like that as there are people on here who might be here to disrespect the site and go and set fire to thos place or vandalize it so be careful


28DL Full Member
28DL Full Member
I'd like to point that out actually be careful what you post like information like that as there are people on here who might be here to disrespect the site and go and set fire to thos place or vandalize it so be careful
Thay wont be able to get in there i get slated all the time on YouTube buy secrate vault that o apretly aet places on fire and steal from them this site when i went there i seen secuerty there he saw me leave there i explaned what i was doing and apretly any one who want to visit hear can ask and there let you look around but yh the way i got in will be blocked up mate there bo worry about this place getting damaged it wont be able to happen becuse what site its on

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