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Report - - Religious College - Washington, DC, USA - November 2023 | European and International Sites |

Report - Religious College - Washington, DC, USA - November 2023

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28DL Full Member
28DL Full Member
Hi all! Yes, I know this is a UK forum-I've just moved to London! But I thought I'd start with a post from back home as 1) I don't have any good explores in the UK yet, 2) It's a great one to share, and 3) I wanted to show a bit of seriousness/experience in urbexing. All that out of the way, please see below for a trip report to an abandoned Monastery in the capital of the USA!

[Feel free to message for the name!] University is a well-regarded university in Washington, DC. Though a non-religious university, it does offer a theological program. A beautiful academic and religious building was opened in 1987 to host the theological program, which moved to a different facility in 2015. The building was left behind with minimal changes, secluded in a leafy park-like area.


The building's exterior is beautifully decorates, with religious iconography. The tree lined driveway leading up to the building is completely open to the neighborhood, and was fairly busy with dog walkers.

Art decorates the exterior, such as this carving showing the the six days of creation.

Though most windows were boarded, there were quite a few openings. The rear of the building includes a building maintenance room.

Also downstairs is a kitchen, with large appliances still in place. There is fairly minimal tagging, although this location later had a bout of popularity and may be deteriorated now.

Some sort of utility/telecom room is also fully stocked, with wires and computers in place.


There are a few libraries throughout the building, but the largest appeared to be an archival library on the lower level. Books were still on the shelves. I wonder if any of them are rare or had any particular value as a print copy.

Despite the library and util room frozen in time, most of the building was emptied out.

You could still get a work out in though!


Upstairs a beautiful chapel room with pink accents stood mostly empty, with only a piano remaining. There was minimal graffiti, which I found mostly tasteful.


Roof top access was wide open, leading to another beautifully ornamented tower and the bell inside.

Hopefully you enjoyed my first post on here! I'm happy to do more American trip reports if there is any interest! Hope to meet some of you soon!
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I am friends with the smooth Mars Bar man
Regular User
Ahh I recall there being some sort of nonsense going on here recently when someone told Harvard about all the books being left behind and they tried to say oh yes we are taking care of our old manuscripts properly whilst pursuing charges against the people who posted the photos :rofl


28DL Full Member
28DL Full Member
Ahh I recall there being some sort of nonsense going on here recently when someone told Harvard about all the books being left behind and they tried to say oh yes we are taking care of our old manuscripts properly whilst pursuing charges against the people who posted the photos :rofl

Ahh I recall there being some sort of nonsense going on here recently when someone told Harvard about all the books being left behind and they tried to say oh yes we are taking care of our old manuscripts properly whilst pursuing charges against the people who posted the photos :rofl
Slightly scary! Edited to maybe conceal the location a bit more