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Report - - Report - St Philips Hospital - Malta - August 2024 | European and International Sites |

Report - Report - St Philips Hospital - Malta - August 2024

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28DL Member
28DL Member
A now sadly heavily vandalised site, St Philips was originally opened in 1995 as a private hospital boasting 100 beds for its patients. Significant financial difficulty led the owner to close the doors permanently in 2012, after a possible deal for the local healthcare system to acquire the building fell through.

Upon closing the doors to the hospital, it is almost as if one day the patients were told to vacate and the staff suddenly told not to come back the next day. The building was left untouched for years, with equipment, patient/staff records, and even operating gowns left exactly where they were before closing. The rooms accumulated only dust and harboured memories of the past for quite some time. Unfortunately, the building has now succumbed to vandals and for many years has been left in ruin as the cables and furniture have been stolen or destroyed.

The site was gloriously visible upon approaching from a main road. Next door, a functioning workplace exists and the car park of the hospital is now used by the workplace and has CCTV. The hospital itself has words such as “police” and “CCTV” and “no fly-tipping” etched around on boards in Maltese, however no cameras or security were visible at all. On a bright and sunny Monday morning, we had expected there to be more of a challenge getting in.

First entry allowed us to explore what was the boiler/electrics room - with only phone torches, this was quite a difficult task as the place was very dark. Second entry revealed much more - we explored the corridors of patient rooms, many with broken or damaged beds and chairs still in situ. Daylight was our friend on the main floor.

We found the laboratory, where a heap of sample slides were still present on the countertop. However, no body parts were present any more (we had read previously that explorers a few years ago had found body parts in tubs). We located the large reception area - a sorry state for what it once was. An end bedroom appeared to be in use, presumably by a local in need of shelter, so we left this room alone.

The staircase to the lower floors was blocked by doors and rubble, so we opted to give the basement area a miss with the sense that we were not alone in the building. However, previous reports and explorers detail the theatre rooms down there, which supposedly still contain operating lights and tables.

A great explore for newbies. What shocked us the most was that the patient and staff records were just left for all to see. The owner will surely be aware of the state of the place, as local news outlets have documented this. But why has nothing been done to retrieve the documents? A strange and sad state of affairs.











