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Report - - Restormel Borough Council Emergency Bunker ….Cornwall 2023 | Underground Sites |

Report - Restormel Borough Council Emergency Bunker ….Cornwall 2023

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steve hannaford

28DL Full Member
28DL Full Member
A hardened nuclear bunker was included when the council offices were built in 1982.

The design of the bunker is very similar to most that were built in the early 80s.

The bunker forms part of the South East basement area of the council offices and is accessed by an external door and stairway

The large heavy steel and concrete blast door gives access to the entrance lobby adorned with more large blast doors.

To the right is the generator room which was buzzing happily away.

To the left decontamination showers still intact and clean.

Through the next blast door you have the main ops room on the left with a small communications room included at the rear with some radio equipment laying dormant on the shelves.

Leaving the ops room you head down a small corridor with chemical toilets on the right and dormitory on the left now used for storage.

At the end of the corridor you have the kitchen area now used as a sever room for the council offices above.

Another door leads off the kitchen area to the air filtration room.which is now storing the kitchen units and appliances

The emergency exit is included in this room … accessible through a two foot blast door leading to a thirty foot concrete tunnel and steel ladder at the end.

The tunnel is flooded by about a foot of water and the seals on the pistons on the emergency escape hatch at the top of the ladder have perished and takes a bit of opening and closing.


Air vents and escape hatch (The hatch was put 30 feet away to ensure it was not covered in debris should the building collapse)


The main entrance blast door

Blast door to the generator room

Large safe with decontamination showers behind

Ops room

Corridor…. Chem toilets on the right … dormitory on the left

Store room

Escape hatch blast door

Looking down flooded escape tunnel

Looking back towards bunker

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