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Report - - River Gardens, Greenwich, London - April 2015 | High Stuff |

Report - River Gardens, Greenwich, London - April 2015

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28DL Full Member
28DL Full Member
It was late on a cold and windy night. This being the end of a night out looking to get a few sites ticked off my list. Alas, it wasn’t to be. Two sites turned out to be fails because after gaining entrance I found no way of seeing anything (for various reasons) both unfortunately ended in encounters with seca’s.

After a heart stopping few minutes curled up in a dark corner the seca at the first site walked straight past me (about three meters away) and after a tense 15 min wait I exited and head to site 2.

Site two was harder to access as I landed right next to the seca’s hut. The TV was on but I couldn’t see the guard so decided to get in the building and head for its crane. Again I couldn’t get further so after an hour of searching/trying/head banging it was time to exit. While preparing to exit the seca (+fido) sees me so cue my best roadrunner impression and I head as far from my access as possible and jump.

A little despondent but still determined, I spotted a large group of cherries glistening in the distance and started walking like homing pigeon. They belonged to two building sites (win!) a little while later I was in.

The explore

My encounters with security had made me jumpy and this wasn’t helped by the constant sound of two foxes who kept following me around the ground level. It was a windy night and their movement coupled with the general creepy noises of a building site were wrecking my nerves.

Up to the roof I went , then down to the basement taking in the features of each floor on the way. These included the end apartments (presumably the rooms with the views) and some motivational graffiti by one of the stairwells.

Exiting the stairs in the basement had me standing in front of a pir which lit up the whole underground section! Scamper upstairs followed by checking for movement and all seemed clear.

It was getting late and the crane needed climbing so I made my way to its base with my accompanying entourage of foxes. They chickened out and left me to climb it alone. It’s not the highest I’ve had the pleasure of scaling but the jib was massive, around 80m long and surprise surprise that’s where I went first. Mind you, I had to stop half way as it was swinging in the wind which began to make me feel sick (looking down didn’t help either). Sitting on the end was cool with a nice view of Greenwich and the Docklands, any thoughts about the previous fails far from my mind.


1. A roof with a view! There was a cheeky can up here so I'm not the only one who's been up here.





2. Some shots from inside including the message to the workers (probably from their boss)



3. Shots from the crane, Isle of dogs and Greenwich.


4. A little way along the jib


5. Time to sit and gather the nerves at the of the jib


6. Climbed down into a small platform suspended from the moving bit with the hook.


28DL Full Member
28DL Full Member
Certainly did Ojay. Was a night where I planned to get at three sites done but ended up hiding, sneaking, running etc. I have had a run of good luck and it had to run out eventually, dogs are the problem because you can't hide a few meters from those things.


28DL Full Member
28DL Full Member
Sounds like a winner to me, sounds like you have a good story to tell! I was knackered after all the running and climbing that night. I didn't spot any open cafes nearby though.

Settled for checking out how many cameras are covering the local clipper and adjacent historic buildings.


28DL Full Member
28DL Full Member
The cafe i eat in was paid by the tax payer, but it come with a bed and a solicitor.

green godess

28DL Full Member
28DL Full Member
You've got some tremendous bottle and a lot of determination, great photos from you and may your success continue in safety. Next time take some sardines for those lovely foxes, they will never arrest you or cause grief.

My kind regards to you from



28DL Full Member
28DL Full Member
Sardines for foxes and some burgers/sausages for dogs will need packing then. Recent experience has shown dogs to be quite an adversary to enjoying cranes.

I assure GG that bottle has little to do with it, you just need to go for it, accessing them is often harder than climbing them ;)

mr pink

building magician!
28DL Full Member
good effort man, always nice to bag something when youve been on the hunt.


28DL Full Member
28DL Full Member
Cheers peeps. I don't know a lot about photography but I try to capture the buildings and the views as best I can. I usually only take my phone with me if heading out on the jib since setting up a tripod is difficult on the cranes structure. Maybe there is something similar to a tripod that is better suited 3-4" square section steel?


Cheers peeps. I don't know a lot about photography but I try to capture the buildings and the views as best I can. I usually only take my phone with me if heading out on the jib since setting up a tripod is difficult on the cranes structure. Maybe there is something similar to a tripod that is better suited 3-4" square section steel?

What you need is a Manfrotto Super clamp.
Really good and absolutely perfect for what you want.
After saying I'd get one for a year I finally got one and it makes a biiiiig difference. No setting up a tripod (not thay i used one anyway...), just quick clamp it into scaff, crane or your friend and done. It's small and light weight as well. Message me if you need any more info.

Nice crane :)


28DL Full Member
28DL Full Member
Cheers Slayaaaa, I'll check it out because the tripod is a pain in the a*%