After a morning milling around Ludlow, I dropped in here on the way home because it seemed interesting on maps.
Current aerial view and the 1973 OS below - some of the woodland on the northern edge has since been felled.
Looking it up, this was a Royal Navy Armament Depot, and there are two previous 2014 vintage reports:
Description: The site operated from 1938 - 1968 for ammo storage and consists of 70+ sheds, some with blast walls, originally connected by rail with many smaller structures dotted about (see the reports above for more history).
The thing to realise about this place is that it’s not remotely secret or secure - these days it’s mostly an industrial estate operating out of the decaying WW2 era sheds, although some sheds out in the fields now serve as farm buildings.
All the sheds on the industrial estate are locked and in use for something, and the ones that aren’t locked just contain rubbish (tyres, cars etc.).
The only derelict/empty bits are the smaller buildings. However there’s also a nice derelict house hidden in the woods which hasn’t featured before.
First some sheddage.
Many of them have enamel signs starting with ‘L.C.E’ - maybe someone on here will know what these are about.
A number of structures which seem to be combined latrine/changing room.
Other small things.
Plenty of fire hydrants such as this one.
A little signal box.
This was probably a farmhouse called Little Leasows, It was built in 1887 according to the date stone, but I can find no other information.
Not very exciting perhaps but a nice wander on a sunny spring afternoon with the dog.
Current aerial view and the 1973 OS below - some of the woodland on the northern edge has since been felled.
Looking it up, this was a Royal Navy Armament Depot, and there are two previous 2014 vintage reports:
Description: The site operated from 1938 - 1968 for ammo storage and consists of 70+ sheds, some with blast walls, originally connected by rail with many smaller structures dotted about (see the reports above for more history).
The thing to realise about this place is that it’s not remotely secret or secure - these days it’s mostly an industrial estate operating out of the decaying WW2 era sheds, although some sheds out in the fields now serve as farm buildings.
All the sheds on the industrial estate are locked and in use for something, and the ones that aren’t locked just contain rubbish (tyres, cars etc.).
The only derelict/empty bits are the smaller buildings. However there’s also a nice derelict house hidden in the woods which hasn’t featured before.
First some sheddage.
Many of them have enamel signs starting with ‘L.C.E’ - maybe someone on here will know what these are about.
A number of structures which seem to be combined latrine/changing room.
Other small things.
Plenty of fire hydrants such as this one.
A little signal box.
This was probably a farmhouse called Little Leasows, It was built in 1887 according to the date stone, but I can find no other information.
Not very exciting perhaps but a nice wander on a sunny spring afternoon with the dog.