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Report - - ROF Featherstone - Wolverhampton- March 2017 | Military Sites |

Report - ROF Featherstone - Wolverhampton- March 2017

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28DL Full Member
28DL Full Member
It’s only taken me a year to write up my first report but here it goes, any tips would be appreciated as I’m new to exploring and photography

ROF Featherstone history

Royal Ordnance Factory Featherstone was filling factory No.17, covering just over 64 hectares, the factory used to specialise in filling various munitions, including, Bombs, Shells, Smoke and Cartridges.

It served a major role in WW2 but since then has remained derelict, at some point BAE Systems took over the site and kept the majority of the buildings but sold off 13 hectares to HMP Service who have now constructed a prison on the remains of certain parts of the site.

The explore

I have to thank one of my mates for telling me about this place as I had no idea it was there even though I live about 5 miles away! After walking through god knows how many nettles we realised we could’ve just gone through the main gate but we were in and ready to have a mooch! It’s pretty much empty apart from the odd sign and shopping trolley but it was my first explore and I was loving it. I was a bit weary about the prison at first but after an hour or so I could’ve been walking around with all 3 inches of my little chap hanging out and nobody would’ve said a thing. We spent about 3 hours looking around and taking pictures before we decided to call it a day.












Thanks for looking and I hope you enjoyed my first, of many reports to come


Amateur and proud
28DL Full Member
I went here last month and did a similar thing to yourself. Having schlepped through a field I realised I could have just walked over the pile of dirt at the gate. Like your pics bud!


28DL Full Member
28DL Full Member
looks a big site, sucks that it's been vandalised and tagged, like that wooden board
Yeah it’s huge mate. We didn’t do all of it so I might go back soon. Everything has been trashed, I don’t think I saw one building that hadn’t been tagged


28DL Full Member
28DL Full Member
Wrong. The header states the place was derelict since WW11. It wasn't closed down until the early to mid 90's! I know...I worked there!

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