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Rookie explorers on their first adventure

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28DL Member
28DL Member
Hi guys,

Im Dave, i was telling my son Alfie about my adventures as a youngster exploring abandoned buildings and we have decided too give it a go. We live on the lincolnshire/cambridge border, ive done a bit of research myself and were considering rauceby asylum as our first chapter. Is this a good choice for our first adventure ?


One Life. Derp It.
Regular User
Welcome to 28!

I would recommend you give the the Survival Guide a quick read (28 Days Later Survival Guide for Newbies. | New Members Introduction), it’ll help get you started with he forum and provide you some good tips for getting on well with the hobby.

As for finding your first location the search feature ( is a great resource, try typing a few places near to you in and see what comes back. I’m not sure what extent the house building has got to at Rauceby but could still be worth a look.

Looking forward to seeing your work.