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Report - - Royal Victoria Hospital, Kent - July 2018 | Asylums and Hospitals |

Report - Royal Victoria Hospital, Kent - July 2018

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28DL Regular User
Regular User
I know this place is a shadow of its former glory after being stripped of everything. I was bored one afternoon so decided to have a wander around here. Despite being trashed in some parts, others were quite photogenic. Some lovely peely paint. I thought I'd fire up a 2018 update as I don't think it's been posted for over a year.

The hospital originally opened in 1846 on nearby Rendezvous St. in Folkestone town centre and was known as the Folkestone Dispensary. In 1863 it relocated to a site on Dover Rd and was expanded and re-named the Folkestone Dispensary and Infirmary.

In 1890, it moved to this new general hospital building opened overlooking Radnor Park and was again re-named, this time to the Victoria Hospital. It served the town and borough of Folkestone and 1910 was when it became the Royal Victoria Hospital.

By the 1970s, all services were being scaled down and in 1979 when the new William Harvey Hospital opened in neighbouring town Ashford most were then transferred there. The Royal Victoria then became a centre for geriatric, stroke rehabilitation, eye surgery and GP patients.

In 2005/6 the last remaining wards closed and the old Victorian building has been standing there since.
























The chapel


The morgue



And the view from the roof


Thanks for looking!


A Predisposed Tourist
Regular User
That has actually decayed rather nicely mate,may not have the fresh untouched hospital feel about it with all the gear when we went but in fairness it looks better now


28DL Regular User
Regular User
That has actually decayed rather nicely mate,may not have the fresh untouched hospital feel about it with all the gear when we went but in fairness it looks better now
Yeah the bits that ain’t smashed up to fuck and tagged over are really nice.


A Predisposed Tourist
Regular User
i cant place the chapel though,must have seen it on the two visits we did years ago but fucked if i took a picture of it,nice work though mate you have captured the decay nicely


28DL Regular User
Regular User
i cant place the chapel though,must have seen it on the two visits we did years ago but fucked if i took a picture of it,nice work though mate you have captured the decay nicely
You can just make it out from the last pic taken from the roof. The building with the arched windows, then there is the hall will the stage just after it, then the morgue is further down at the edge of the site.


A Predisposed Tourist
Regular User
You can just make it out from the last pic taken from the roof. The building with the arched windows, then there is the hall will the stage just after it, then the morgue is further down at the edge of the site.

yeah makes sense,we visited the hall and morgue the chapel may have been locked up tight


grumpy sod
Regular User
Spent a peaceful few hours there yesterday morning, it's been a while since I last did a big hospital over here so I really enjoyed it.


28DL Full Member
28DL Full Member
Is the whole place empty? I’ve never been down but I thought part of the site was still active? Great photos by the way!!


28DL Full Member
28DL Full Member
Is this place still worth a visit and easy to get in ? Me and my partner have a few places on our list to visit up this way but we’re travelling from Bedfordshire ! So want to make it worth the while ! X Thankyou !


28DL Regular User
Regular User
Is the whole place empty? I’ve never been down but I thought part of the site was still active? Great photos by the way!!
Next door is active and nhs vans parked out the front but the two buildings ain’t connected to each other or anything. It’s worth a look if you are down that way, nice and easy place.


28DL Regular User
Regular User
Is this place still worth a visit and easy to get in ? Me and my partner have a few places on our list to visit up this way but we’re travelling from Bedfordshire ! So want to make it worth the while ! X Thankyou !
Well only you can decide if it’s worth a visit or not from my pics, check out Mookster’s post too. It’s easy enough, but feel free to pm me when you are planning your trip that way. Nothing worse than driving far and faffing about for ages looking for the right spot, especially if you have a few places in mind.

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