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Information - - Royal York Hotel, Ryde, Isle of wight | Leisure Sites |

Information - Royal York Hotel, Ryde, Isle of wight

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28DL Full Member
28DL Full Member
hi folks just a heads up, if you have any thoughts on visiting the Royal York Hotel in Ryde on the Isle of Wight then id avoid it for the moment, a group of urban explorers were caught in there by police last night

shame they were caught as it would be nice to see some current photos from inside there but im wondering if what gave them away was the one person mentioned who turned off the wifi inside the building



28DL Full Member
28DL Full Member
normally id agree but from what I understand there have been lights on in there constantly for a few weeks now so dont think it was torches


Regular User
There is a WiFi linked security camera, same in the Grand in Sandown, so that would be why WIFI was turned off. It would seem there is also a silent alarm however. Complete over reaction, 5 police cars turned up within 5 mins of it going off and spent 45mins with a dog unit searching before they found anyone. Handcuffed and arrested for burglary then un-arrested 10 mins later.

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