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Report (Permission Visit) Scene of Gillam Street Murders, Worcester, January 2019

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28DL Full Member
28DL Full Member
This is my former home which was the scene of some of the most horrific murders in UK history. I rented this two bedroom house in Gillam Street, Worcester, for a year and was originally unaware that this was the home where lodger David McGreavy killed three young children. These pictures are from the time I live there. I guess I should have been suspicious by the cheap rent in comparison to the other houses in the street, however I only established that I was in the house of horrors from neighbours. Not necessarily an explore, so feel free to remove this post if required.

To summarise the story, the below is from Wikipedia:
"On Friday, 13 April 1973, Elsie Ralph was picked up from work by Clive, who had left home late, with the children all asleep. Clive would usually pick her up late in order to help her with closing, and to have a last pint. When the Ralphs arrived at their home, the police were already there and escorted them to the police station, where they were told of their children's murder.
McGreavy, who was known to be an habitual drinker with a violent temper when intoxicated, had gone to the Buck's Hill pub earlier that evening with a friend, where he drank five to seven pints of beer. The two men had played cards and darts, though a small altercation took place prior to leaving the pub, after McGreavy had put a cigarette out in his friend's beer. Clive had picked McGreavy up from the Buck's Hill and brought him home to look after the children while Clive went to get Elsie from work.
Some time between 10:15 and 11:15 pm, a drunk McGreavy became infuriated with the Ralph children, beginning with the baby, Samantha, who had been crying for her bottle. McGreavy violently killed Samantha and then the other two children, each in a different manner. Eight-month-old Samantha died from a skull fracture, 2-year-old Dawn had her throat slit and 4-year-old Paul was strangled. After killing the three children, McGreavy went down to the basement and retrieved a pickaxe. He further mutilated their bodies with the pickaxe before impaling the three bodies on the spikes of a wrought iron fence in a neighbour's yard. He then left the home."

Whilst I lived there in 2018, McGreavy was front page news due to his impending release and I had the BBC etc knocking at my door, posting notes through my letterbox. I ignored them all. Friends and colleagues would ask if it was 'spooky', 'do you hear anything' and 'how do you sleep at night'. I was never worried as I'm fully aware ghosts don't exist and to me it was just a house with some extra history. It was very sad to think of what occurred in the house, I'm a father of two children and can only imagine how the family felt and feel now. So please don't think this post is to make light of the situation.

Anyway, some then and now (well Jan 2019) pictures of the house on Gillam Street. Unfortunately I cannot find any pictures of the inside of house from the time of the incident, but have included pictures as it was when I left the house of the murder scene.

Front of the property, then and now



The little wall still present at the front of the property in both pictures. All fixtures in the hosue, doors, windows etc are the originals from the time of the murder too.


The more mundane of the pictures now. The below picture is of the main bedroom where I am led to believe one of the murders occurred.


The second bedroom where to the best of my knowledge, the other two murders took place.


The original picture below from 1973 of a tent over the railings of a neighbours garden where the children's bodies were impaled. The house where I lived and the murders occurred is the house two doors to the left with the back door open.


The view of the garden from the second bedroom.


Railings obviously now removed and replaced, but to the left of my former garden is the garden where the bodies were left.


The next three pictures are from the cellar where McGreavy went to get the pickaxe which led to him doing further unthinkables.





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Calamity Jane

i see beauty in the unloved, places & things
Regular User
Not your conventional report. But I did get curious about the place. As my bio says im a true crime researcher too. And surprising didnt know of this one. So thanks for that. Such a sad story.


28DL Full Member
28DL Full Member
There is a documentary presented by Fred Dineage which runs occasionally on the Crime Channel or whatever it is called on Sky.

My time living there coincided with lots of discussion and eventual action about his release, so press attention was common place at times in the street. The local rag often ran stories on it on quiet days. The day I moved in which was in late January they ran a story on it, which was front page news. Though there was no new information in the story and it wasn’t an anniversary of the event. The story got a little bit of a reaction in the comment section for ‘why has this story been dragged up again’ type of stuff.


28DL Member
28DL Member
i walk past this most days considering its only right near my house and i used to deliver my paper round to this door im pretty sure


28DL Full Member
28DL Full Member
The original windows and doors were in the home from the time of the incident. Without trying to sound too morbid, when lying in bed I did often find it strange to think about how the walls and doors in the bedrooms would have been plastered in blood at some point.

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