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Report - - School Air Raid Tunnel – Folkestone – Jan 2021 | Underground Sites |

Report - School Air Raid Tunnel – Folkestone – Jan 2021


28DL Regular User
Regular User
During lockdown this year while it was quiet, we thought it would be the perfect time to hit yet another cut and cover air raid tunnel. You’d really be surprised how many of these air raid tunnels are still intact in the Dover/Folkestone area.

Gaining access to the school grounds was a real mission, normally you’d just hop a fence and you’d be in, however for some reason this school finds it necessary to have a 6 ft wall (approx.) with a fence on top which adds another 6-8ft. In the end, we found an easier route, however this still involved climbing over the school’s roof with a telescopic ladder, while trying to be quiet and hidden from public view. This school is surrounded by houses, at one point on the roof there was someone in the bathroom showering less than 75ft away. Thankfully we managed to get down without being seen.

The shelter isn’t as large as some in the area, Afterall it is a school shelter. Exploring these cut and cover trenches you find that each one is unique in its own way no two are alike. The condition that this shelter has been left in with the supports still visible and patches of concrete missing is like it was very quickly built and left. I can’t find an exact date on when construction of this particular ARP was built so it quite possibly could’ve never been finished completely.

We did find some very nice original writing on the wall informing those who would’ve used the shelter to always bring their gas mask as it’s not a gas-proof shelter. If I can remember correctly there was another school air-raid shelter in the same area which was gas-proofed. We also found a little toy soldier, whether this is original or not I can’t say but we did bring a little friend to keep him company.

I apologise that some of these photos aren’t very well lit, they were taken with an iPhone. I now have a DSLR which means I can light paint much better.


Looking down the shelter

One of the entrances

Gas-proof signage along with woman toilets signage

Toy Soldier meeting his new friend

Another of the entrances

Shelter not gas-proof signage

Looking towards the entrance with the ladies’ toilets

Water tap

Men’s Toilets



Flaxenation of the G!!!
Regular User
Oh mate. Worth it just to see that sign. This is one I'd never even had a pop at or looked at. Sounds like loads of fun. Good to see you getting these places documented on the forum :thumb


A Predisposed Tourist
Regular User
Very nice, they may all be very similar in construction but it is worth popping in, as obs said that signage is lovely to see


28DL Regular User
Regular User
Oh mate. Worth it just to see that sign. This is one I'd never even had a pop at or looked at. Sounds like loads of fun. Good to see you getting these places documented on the forum :thumb
Thank you Obs, it's a lovely place. Might be worth to get down there one evening if you want.

Very nice, they may all be very similar in construction but it is worth popping in, as obs said that signage is lovely to see
Thank you Wevs :)