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Selling out or trashing which is worse? | General Exploring Chat Forum |

Selling out or trashing which is worse?

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28DL Full Member
28DL Full Member
Bit of a daft question really, but here is an article from the sun on a well known property and some photographs of the place having been trashed. No wonder the community gets a bad press.
FB the home of the location beggar. My god they are going into over drive on this one,


grumpy sod
Regular User
The first invariably leads to the second thing. In this case it was a matter of one or two days between the article going up and that happening.

Idiots out there who are after a quick buck take it upon themselves to ruin it for others. In the case of this location it was likely one group of fucktards who did it over.

Bikin Glynn

28DL Regular User
Regular User
The first invariably leads to the second thing. In this case it was a matter of one or two days between the article going up and that happening.

Idiots out there who are after a quick buck take it upon themselves to ruin it for others. In the case of this location it was likely one group of fucktards who did it over.

U know Id never considered that an actual "so called" explorer would do this to stop others getting the shots etc. always just assumed it was kids & vandals.
If it is they are the lowest of the low in my book & have no place in the exploring community.


Teim scoobs
28DL Full Member
I have a particular problem understanding the people that go round a building locking all the windows and doors before leaving, they've had their fun but youre not allowed in afterwards to have yours.

Bikin Glynn

28DL Regular User
Regular User
I have a particular problem understanding the people that go round a building locking all the windows and doors before leaving, they've had their fun but youre not allowed in afterwards to have yours.

Rather depends that though, this post is showing exactly why some try to do that to protect a place from the above!
Not something I normally do though as if you have got in & out its usually pretty impossible to seal a place from the outside, but that said if u can lock the obvious entry to stop the kids & brainless getting in I dont think thats a bad thing.


28DL Regular User
Regular User
Saw this on FB. Guy posts pictures on multiple FB pages. Then either he speaks to the press or they nick the pics (this bit is unclear - he denies it) and the story gets splashed over The Daily Fail and The Sun. Place then gets trashed within a week. Guy then says it's terrible what's happened, not recognising that he's facilitated it. "But I didn't name the location".
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Teim scoobs
28DL Full Member
While youre here hughie, Furness vale fb group have copied some of your (and others) images and linked to some of your reports on their fb page, I didn't like some of my images being copied on fb so asked them to take them down which they did, just my preference that I don't want my pictures on fb, thought I would mention it.


28DL Regular User
Regular User
While youre here hughie, Furness vale fb group have copied some of your (and others) images and linked to some of your reports on their fb page, I didn't like some of my images being copied on fb so asked them to take them down which they did, just my preference that I don't want my pictures on fb, thought I would mention it.

Cheers for the head's up. Have you got a link mate?


Teim scoobs
28DL Full Member
I'm not sure how to link to a fb post if I'm honest but here's the group, there's a few posts copied from 28l they do have links and it seems harmless, I honestly thought you wouldn't mind or I would have dropped you a pm days ago so sorry for that. I just didn't want the posts with my name linked for personal reasons and thought I would drop it in to conversation sometime.


28DL Regular User
Regular User
I'm not sure how to link to a fb post if I'm honest but here's the group, there's a few posts copied from 28l they do have links and it seems harmless, I honestly thought you wouldn't mind or I would have dropped you a pm days ago so sorry for that. I just didn't want the posts with my name linked for personal reasons and thought I would drop it in to conversation sometime.

Cheers for the intel and no need to apologise. To be honest, they are a local history site so not got any issues there. I often get place info from sites like these!


grumpy sod
Regular User
It's actually quite funny watching all the exploring with YouTube numpties crying over it trying to work out how on earth it happened when it was those same people who plastered it all over their pages to begin with.

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