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Report - - Severn Bridge Tunnel - Purton - March 2020 | Underground Sites |

Report - Severn Bridge Tunnel - Purton - March 2020

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Camera Drowner
Regular User
Built by the Severn Bridge Railway Company between 1875-78, this 506-yard tunnel formed part of the western approach route to a mammoth cast iron rail bridge of 4,162 feet which spanned the river, joining the village of Purton on the west bank to Sharpness on the east.

One man died during the tunnel's construction which, although built for two tracks, only ever accommodated one. Both masonry side walls incorporate several refuges whilst the brick roof has been supported with rail and timber in a couple of places. From the south, the line entered on a gentle curve of 120 chains radius, climbing towards the north end on a gradient of 1:132 before levelling out about 60 yards from the entrance.

The line was cut by the partial collapse of the Severn Rail Bridge in October 1960 after being struck by two barges in thick fog. Two rail tours used the line through the tunnel to reach Severn Bridge Station in April 1964. The track was finally lifted in 1968-69.

The Explore
A muddy trek down footpaths between farmers fields. The recent flooding across England and Wales made this one a bit of a soggy one. Not to mention the single car width track to get here wasn't exactly well suited to my rather low car. Must have almost lost my exhaust several times!


The Eastern Portal - A good few inches underwater.





Looking out towards the Western portal, lots of water this end too.



Down and beyond

The true source of englands wealth is coal
Regular User
Is the hole in wall on side of photo where you would step inside if a train is passing so your safe as such or just like a room great post though


Camera Drowner
Regular User
Sorta, but nothing new since your report. I think he walked past while I was inside. Not sure if he saw me or not, but he walked away without really doing anything.


Crusty Juggler
Staff member
Lovely set of images. I think its one of the worst mistakes BR ever did was to not repair/rebuild the bridge. Such a fab looking thing it was too. I live in hope that somehow Vale of Berkley & FOD railways somehow get funding to join it all back up one day..

Calamity Jane

i see beauty in the unloved, places & things
Regular User
Now that`s how to explore a tunnel. Great set there. Nicely lite. Reflections, moss, and curvy brickwork :thumb


28DL Full Member
28DL Full Member
Fuckin' lol. I live 5 minutes from here, and work on the G&S Canal, and still never knew this place existed! I'm a right derp sometimes.
As everyone has already said, spot on photography!

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