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Report - Shardlow Hall Nursing Home, Derbyshire August 2020

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grumpy sod
Regular User
I've sat on these photos for a while, and had pretty much completely forgotten about it. I don't think it's come up before and although I didn't get to see everything I wanted despite my best efforts it was still an interesting place to wander around due to the sheer amount of seriously old medical/nursing home equipment left behind. I probably delayed posting it at the time in case I went back and managed to do the rest but circumstances changed which I go into below.

Shardlow Hall itself was built in 1684 and is a Grade II* listed country house, and was home to not one but two High Sheriffs of Derbyshire. It ceased to be a family home in the early 1900s and between 1911 and 1933 was open as Shardlow Hall School. In later life the hall was converted into various local business and council offices, which seemed to vacate the premises a good while ago. Currently on site is a still open children's nursery and a VW specialist plus a few private houses. During the mid 20th Century a nursing home was constructed on the grounds of the estate to the west of the hall, which had three wings arranged in an 'E' shape. Two wings were of a construction very similar to wartime military structures whilst the largest wing was a slightly later looking pre-fab building. We were somewhat surprised to be able to access two of the wings, one of which had obviously suffered a small fire at some point and was heavily stripped, but the other wing was a huge surprise and rammed full of ageing dated equipment I didn't think I'd see in a nursing home. Unfortunately the larger pre-fab building was stubbornly sealed, it would appear the two older wings were disused a long time ago with everything condensed into the larger later one which closed more recently, with the older parts used for storage for both the estate as a whole and the nursing home.

The hall itself, although currently derelict, is very much alarmed and by all accounts has a very very angry owner turn up on site if it's tripped, on a revisit last year I found the nursing home comprehensively sealed and with what sounded like a loud radio or TV playing in the pre-fab part, whether it was a deterrent or people actually living in there I don't know and didn't really stay to find out.

I only took a handful of phone photos in the fire damaged stripped wing, I was fully expecting the other to be the same but needless to say my proper camera came out rather quick when we found a way into it. Personal highlights for me were not one but two Avery weighing scale chairs which I hadn't seen any of since West Park in 2009, and the two original asbestos fire blankets which are understandably rare nowadays!























Thanks for looking :)

Calamity Jane

i see beauty in the unloved, places & things
Regular User
Something really atmospheric about old medical equipment. The weighing chair and all the walkers & wheelchairs make me feel something, not sure what is it. Very photogenic, but with a sad twinge too. :thumb


A peach, a nice welcoming peach
The hall next door is interesting.. well, what we saw of it last year before men with a bat and scythe came! :popcorn But they chilled out as soon as they saw we were two lasses. Males may not be so fortunate! …Well, if you don’t replace a missing window that you know about... *shrugs* ;)


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