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Report - - Shelton/ Etruria Gas Works, SOT. September 2011 | Industrial Sites |

Report - Shelton/ Etruria Gas Works, SOT. September 2011

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28DL Full Member
28DL Full Member
With a few hours spare and nothing better to do I took a walk down the A500 to take a look at what was once Shelton/Etruria Gas Works. Unfortunately I haven't been able to turn up any decent info on the site via Google and the bar man in the nearest pub could only say that it went out of service sometime in the late 80's early 90's. I did find a calender (and an old Sanyo LP and cassette player) in the office building dated September 1990, safe bet to say that is when it closed.
If any one knows anything about this place feel free to share.


View from the side of the site. Control room, Kitchen and WC in building just visible on the left.


Copper thieves have evidently long since stripped this place bare :(


Valves, pipes & gubbin's.



Already my lack of a head for heights is bringing me out in a cold sweat.


So having isolated the electrical supply at the control panel ;) i made my way up.



Decay set against new brick, or how i thought everyone living on the estate would see me up here and ring the cops :gay


Thanks for looking folks

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