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General - Shire Hill Hospital, Glossop - October 2023

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28DL Full Member
28DL Full Member
Bare with me as although I have been exploring for a long time this is my first report


Originally opened as the Glossop Union Workhouse in 1837 with an infirmary building added and extended in 1927

The hospital set aside beds for military casualties During WW1 and later became part of the national health service until its closure in 2018 with all services been transformed to Tameside General Hospital

Planning applications are online and the site is looking to be developed in the near future

The Explore

The drive way upto the hospital is surrounded by houses with neighbours all out and about so me and my wife decided to find a way in that didn’t get the neighbours backs up

Once we were on the grounds we had a good look around as reading about the site before going we heard security were about with dogs

The main building was in accessible so we had a look around the smaller building and I’m glad we did once inside after we passed through all the usual rooms clinics, canteen etc we found a cellar with what we think are 2 concrete mortuary slabs

The building it’s self has been vandalised and partially flooded due to someone breaking a water pipe on the ground floor but was a great explore


All photos were taken on our phones with terrible lighting




















Got Epic Slow?
Regular User
The slabs are quite interesting, wonder if they were an emergency war time thing or something like that?


Teim scoobs
28DL Full Member
That's in a sorry state now :(
Just over the river is another explore with some culverts ;)


Massive Member
Regular User
Nice, I'm liking the slabs

I believe there's an air raid shelter to the back of the hospital as well


28DL Full Member
28DL Full Member
Lovely. So is there secca dogs?
Nobody about when I was there and was there for a while, but heard they have been when others have visited.

Could be due to how I entered though as the neighbours could ring them if anybody is seen


grumpy sod
Regular User
I'm pretty certain one or both of those 'slabs' are just stone prep tables in former cold storage areas - usually found in the basements of old buildings like hospitals in the days before electric refrigeration. The rooms would be at a cooler ambient temperature than the other areas of the building and the stone slabs would retain the cold even more, allowing food and perishables to stay fresh longer. Probably nothing to do with a mortuary.


Teim scoobs
28DL Full Member
Obviously security changes but back when it was first shut a guy turned up in a white van every couple of hours, sometimes he had a dog in the van but it wasn't let out.
He went round and took photos of each door then went again.

There used to be cameras on top of mobile poles dotted around the site which were much more annoying than baldy doing his rounds.

Dogs are not allowed to be let off a lead to chase or attack a trespasser. They are an offensive weapon and especially in recent times it would take a special sort of dick head to send a dog after you. It doesn't mean these nobs don't do it but they are opening themselves up for being arrested and sued.
Police dogs are a different issue however.

As hinted on already, if you avoid the estate and go down the path at the side and up into the field above you can watch and study the site then gain access much more discretely.

I agree with mooks, those slabs are quite common, we had them in the cellars at my dad's family estate home. I've seen them in lots of places. Just always thought they were tables that were placed in areas prone to get damp where normal furniture would go mouldy or rot.


28DL Full Member
28DL Full Member
Great post.
I like the photo with the dead bird. It's sort of poetic I suppose?

That probably sounds really weird.

Well done on getting in!

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