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Report - - Slim Pickings, Manchester, April 2019 | UK Draining Forum |

Report - Slim Pickings, Manchester, April 2019

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Back in April my back wasn't as awful as it is currently (MRI results pending I'll hopefully be able to touch my toes again soon). So me, @Esoteric Eric and @tallginge headed to Mancfester to check out this beautiful example of a drain. I had wanted to see this one for a while and wasn't disappointed. Info nabbed from a @Snake Oil report as I can't put it more succinctly myself:

'Slim Pickings is a big brick built stilling pond overflow for Manchesters Work 6 interceptor sewer, outfalling to the nearby River Medlock via a 2 metre RCP. The long outfall tunnel has a single side pipe leading to a tall chamber with a small watercourse entering from the top and reaching the bottom via a drop shaft into a small pool before spilling out into the main outfall towards the river.'

Entry, as the name suggests, requires a starvation diet but otherwise this is a nice, spacious example of the kind of drain that Manchester does best.

From the outfall...


From here you can imagine a load of boring photos of RCP for yourself. Here's one...


And a junction!


There's a multilevel chamber in the pipe to the right. (Ginge and Eric went for a look up the ladders whilst I sat at the bottom feeling a bit dizzy as I'd forgotten to eat my dinner).




Eventually RCP turns to brick. After here there's a biiiiig wall that is negotiated with a ladder. It would have to be quite some overflow to make it over the wall, although I guess it must happen sometimes.



Over the wall and you're greeted with loveliness...



Tallginge went on an adventure so he could shine his torch through here.




Beyond here is moar sewer. We didn't go too far down here....


Ginge pose....




Good memories of an evening well spent.​


more tall than ginger tho.....
Regular User
Enjoyed this trip to mancfester - we should do it again some time. Yeah remember to eat mate - draggin you through that grille would've been a nightmare :D Nice pics and report dude :thumb


28DL Full Member
28DL Full Member
How on earth do you come across the outfalls to these drains? Just genuinely curious. Great looking brickwork though.


Regular User
How on earth do you come across the outfalls to these drains? Just genuinely curious. Great looking brickwork though.

Finding this one had nothing to do with me - I believe [names redacted to protect the innocent!] may have been the first here. And @tallginge had been before so I just followed him, haha!

However if we are talking more generally about ones I have found in Sheffield it either involves following the course of the river physically (running or biking alongside it, or wading into less accessible parts) and having a look, or else looking on old maps where streams or some outfalls are labelled. In short: research.
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Regular User
Well I'm intrigued now - come on who was first? Or why can't they be named? How long ago was it?
We does what explorers does best. Not likely to trip over this one.

I named three people but then had a wobble as I know that certain water companies don’t like certain people going in certain drains so I deleted their names and then realised it’s probably not necessary. I shouldn’t be allowed on the internet really, it’s too stressful..

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