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General - South Queensferry Port Edger

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28DL Full Member
28DL Full Member
I am unsure on this but I have been told it's an abandoned MOD site. First spotted it 2 years ago but had never been in untill today. Got a early dart from work so went for a "wee wander" as they say up here!!


















A fellow of infinite jest
28DL Full Member
I've not seen this on here before, nice find.

I am unsure on this but I have been told it's an abandoned MOD site

It's the Royal Naval Hospital, Butlaw. Google it to find some history, then edit it in to your thread


28DL Full Member
28DL Full Member
I've not seen this on here before, nice find.

It's the Royal Naval Hospital, Butlaw. Google it to find some history, then edit it in to your thread

I had a dig online to find any previous visitors but nothing came up, its only after taking to locals I even found the name to be able to find out about it.


28DL Full Member
28DL Full Member
Bought by the Admiralty in 1916 as the site of a future Naval base,[3] the pier at Port Edgar had been regularly used by Royal Navy ships since the 1850s.
Shortly after its purchase, the wounded of the Battle of Jutland were landed at Port Edgar for the Royal Naval Hospital at Butlaw, Queensferry. The dead of the battle were buried in the local cemetery.
In 1917 the completed base was commissioned as HMS Columbine, a depot for Torpedo Boat Destroyers of the Grand Fleet. HMS Columbine and the naval hospital at Butlaw were closed in 1938.
In 1939, at the outbreak of the Second World War, Port Edgar was commissioned as HMS Lochinvar, a training establishment for the Royal Naval Patrol Service.
In 1943 HMS Lochinvar relocated to Granton Harbour just a few miles along the coast. Port Edgar became the home to HMS Hopetoun, a Combined Operations training centre for British and Allied navies training for the D-Day landings in France.
After the war, HMS Hopetoun closed and in 1946 HMS Lochinvar returned to Port Edgar. It was now home to the Royal Navy minesweepers clearing the Firth of Forth and the eastern coast of Britain of its wartime minefields.
In 1958 the Royal Navy Fishery Protection Squadron was moved to HMS Lochinvar. By 1960 the port also became the Navy's only minesweeping training establishment.
In 1975 HMS Lochinvar closed and all its operations moved across the Forth to HMS Caledonia in the rebuilt naval base at Rosyth.
Today Port Edgar is owned by Edinburgh City Council and is a marina for pleasure craft and a base for other watersports. It sits just west of the Forth Road Bridge, within sight of the 1890 Rail Bridge, and soon to be in the shadow of the new Queensferry Crossing. Port Edgar will sit amongst three major bridges, from three centuries.
In 1988 the Algerines Association unveiled a memorial at Port Edgar to the minesweepers and fishery protection vessels based at Port Edgar and Granton between 1939 and 1975.


28DL Member
28DL Member
What is the yellow and black box? Very unusual great explore.


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