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Report - - Southfield School, Hertfordshire - August 2019 | Other Sites |

Report - Southfield School, Hertfordshire - August 2019

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Not to be taken seriously
28DL Full Member
Ok you lovely people, here's my second report of a little explore I did this summer of Southfield School in Hertfordshire. Unfortunately it had to be cut a little short after I realised it had manned security and I almost walked in on the bloke. Luckily I heard the game he was playing on his phone beep just before I walked around the corner

Anyway, here' a little history of the place. Southfield school in Hatfield was a SEN (Special Educational Needs) school on the edge of town. In 2013 it was temporarily closed and relocated while a waste incinerator was to be built next door. Luckily the incinerator plan was scrapped due to local opposition and the school has got planning permission to permanently stay at the new site, leaving the old site empty. As you can see it's still in immaculate condition and even the electricity is still on and builders equipment is still on site.

Well that's enough from me droning on, now for what you're here for


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Calamity Jane

i see beauty in the unloved, places & things
Regular User
Yep this worked. Some nice shots there. Such a shame all these schools close, and we dont replace enough back!! Good 2nd report there :thumb

exploring with me

28DL Full Member
28DL Full Member
Im really confused Ive been here and the last time i went the place was completely destroyed. Not a single thing left let alone a window. Scrappers had taken pretty much everyhing. Plus the place its self looks different

Calamity Jane

i see beauty in the unloved, places & things
Regular User
Im really confused Ive been here and the last time i went the place was completely destroyed. Not a single thing left let alone a window. Scrappers had taken pretty much everyhing. Plus the place its self looks different

Hi ya EWM , are you sure it was the same place? and when was the last time you went? .

The OP said they visited this summer, sadly the title does not say when Its possible between summer & now its been wrecked. These places once out, only take weeks to wreck, we see it time and time again. With insta & youtubers posting explores everywhere, a location spreads like a wild fire. Plus we have many many lurkers on here, they can see some reports and never give back, but use the forum for what ever: ie hangouts, metal thieves, explorers that dont post, thieves in general, land owners keeping watch etc etc .

If you took any up to date photos, its good to post them and update everyone of what to expect from this explore now!

Regards CJ


Not to be taken seriously
28DL Full Member
Im really confused Ive been here and the last time i went the place was completely destroyed. Not a single thing left let alone a window. Scrappers had taken pretty much everyhing. Plus the place its self looks different
Photos were taken in August.

You may be thinking of the Central Resources Library next door which is completely trashed (and was going to be demolished for the waste incinerator). I've been in there too and have pics I can post later
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exploring with me

28DL Full Member
28DL Full Member
Photos were taken in August.

You may be thinking of the Central Resources Library next door which is completely trashed (and was going to be demolished for the waste incinerator). I've been in there too and have pics I can post later
hi pal yes ur right i was thinking of the place next door. i didnt relise this place was abandoned also


28DL Full Member
28DL Full Member
Is anyone aware of it's current state? there is something close by to another school and massive warehouses, is that the one mentioned in this report?

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