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Report - - spirit of the west theme park cornwall march 25th update, now demolished | Leisure Sites |

Report - spirit of the west theme park cornwall march 25th update, now demolished

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28DL Full Member
28DL Full Member
popped up to winnards perch to see the abandoned wild west theme park, looks like i came a bit late as the whole site has been flattened,
new houses being built on the site to extend the holiday resort next door,
bit of a shame really , was looking forward to seeing it





28DL Member
28DL Member
oh what a shame i was gonna get someone take me there 2 take photos dam was one of my favourite childhood places i loved 2 go it was a shame it got abandoned and left like that ☹️


28DL Full Member
oh what a shame i was gonna get someone take me there 2 take photos dam was one of my favourite childhood places i loved 2 go it was a shame it got abandoned and left like that ☹
Just a year too late bud! Lol

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