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Report - - St. Ann's Hospital Mortuary, Tottenham, London - July 2015 | Asylums and Hospitals |

Report - St. Ann's Hospital Mortuary, Tottenham, London - July 2015

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A friend mentioned this and that a few years ago he walked through and saw this little building, Just casual like, ("It really isn't that good, honest") I exploded in excitement and ended up spending my early afternoon rummaging around some old Victorian morgue, moving body lifters and things wearing lab coats. Amazingly the lights still work?

What epic house it could make...


Cheers Lost hospitals of London

In 1898 work began on the western part of the site to replace the wooden huts with permanent brick buildings, at an estimated cost of £126,850. In 1899 a laundry was built for £10,251 and equipped for £4,550.

The new buildings consisted of an administration block (in front of the laundry block), staff quarters, a house for the Steward, a porter's lodge, a receiving and discharge room and a dispensary. Four ward blocks - two for patients with diphtheria and two for those with enteric fever - were built at the southwest part of the site and a mortuary on the southeast part.

By the beginning of the 20th century the Hospital had 548 beds.

During WW1 it became Base Hospital No 1 for the American Expeditionary Force. The unit had been organised in Denver, Colorado, in April 1917 and equipped by the Denver Red Cross Chapter at a cost of US$78,000. It had arrived in England on 17th July 1918 and took over the Hospital on 1st August 1918. The Medical Superintendent was retained by the United States military authorities, but the medical staff were all members of Denver University. The nurses (some 100) were all graduates of Colorado State University. In addition, there were 150 corpsmen from the best families in Denver who acted as orderlies for the wards and kitchens, ambulance drivers and office clerks. The nurses, apart from the ward sisters, were all of one grade and wore grey linen dresses with wide turnover collars and white aprons without a waistband.

The Hospital was decommissioned in March 1919. During the period of its occupancy, some 3,976 patients were treated - 2,351 surgically and 1,625 medically.

In 1930, following the abolition of MAB, the LCC took over control of the Hospital and replaced the remaining wooden huts with brick buildings.

In 1948 the Hospital joined the NHS under the administration of the Tottenham Hospital Management Committee, part of the North East Metropolitan Regional Hospital Board.

In 1951 it was renamed St Ann's General Hospital. It had 756 beds and became a general hospital, also treating patients with chest disorders and infectious diseases.

By 1964 it had 606 beds and, by 1968, 586.

In 1974, following a major reorganisation of the NHS, the Hospital came under the control of the Enfield and Haringey Area Health Authority, part of the North East Thames Regional Health Authority.

In 1982, following another reorganisation of the NHS, it was transferred to the control of the Haringey District Health Authority, part of the Enfield and Haringey Area Health Authority.

In 1984 the Hospital had 320 beds for acute, infectious disease and chest patients.

By 1993 there were 246 beds.

In April 1994, with the introduction of the Hospital Trust system, it came under the administration of the Haringey Healthcare NHS Trust.

In April 2001 the freehold ownership and management of the site was transferred to the Barnet, Enfield and Haringey Mental Health NHS Trust

The Hospital is still operational and many of the 1901 buildings survive.

A variety of medical services are located at the Hospital, which has 386 beds. Mental health in-patient and day care services are provided by the Barnet Enfield and Haringey Mental Health NHS Trust, while Whittington Health provides various community health services. Moorfield's eye hospital has an out-reach clinic, as does the North Middlesex Hospital.

However, the site is poorly utilised; some 20% of buildings are empty and some only in partial use. Built as a fever hospital, the buildings are spread out, with patients having to navigate over a wide area.

With an annual site maintenance cost of about £7.5m, the future of the Hospital is currently under discussion.

The visit

We walked through and found the building, hidden away. Had a good rummage about and found some nice features all still intact. For such a small building I'm not sure how we spent so long in there. There's a lot to see in all fairness. A lot of fun was had.







Anal probe machine


Morquip Down


Morquip Up


Trolley thingy


Sciency dead people tool thingies












Enjoy it or read Camelol reports



Got Epic Slow?
Regular User
A few years ago i did quite a bit of searching for more municipal mortuaries but didn't get very far. They tend to be a bit secret! Hunting out ones at old hospitals is probably not going to be that hard really people should get on it!


28DL Full Member
28DL Full Member
Nice ones mate :thumblooks a nice mooch.

Lets see what the Circus Freaks do to it this weekend :eek:

If only Clayton had a Slab it"d have got more love

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