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Report - - St Austell Leat tunnels-Cornwall(July 2018) | Underground Sites |

Report - St Austell Leat tunnels-Cornwall(July 2018)

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28DL Full Member
28DL Full Member
When being told I was going on holiday to Charlestown in Cornwall, I decided to use it as an opportunity to visit some caves I found and wasn’t allowed to enter in 2012. However it turns out these caves were deeper than I thought and I had no light with me(explains the quality of the first few pics) then I came back and noticed wooden supports that made me believe it was a mine. But after some research it turns out these tunnels were constructed to supply water to Charlestown harbour during the 19th century and were known as “leats“. The water came from Luhey are believed to be 4-7 miles long depending on your sources and I didn’t even get that far.
The first tunnel
There were three entrances to the leats, one too flooded and the other 2 were the ones I visited. I started with the middle one and took my shoes off to walk through the small floodings and eventually passing under quite a bit of water streaming from the ceiling. Once past this stream, you reach the mine-like supports and follow the tunnel, past a bricked off section, and carry on until there’s a collapse. However, you can pass the collapsed supports and carry on, even once the floor turns into mud. There are less flooded bits but when there are they’re brown and deeper. Plus the tunnel is tighter, the floor is muddier, and it doesn’t seem to end. After going through here for ages I decided to turn back when I realised someone else with a light was back down the bit I already done. I considered carrying on but couldn’t bother. I then climbed back over the collapse and spoke to some kids who were holding the light and saw me come in. We then proceeded to explore the other tunnel.
The Muddier tunnel
So after making our way back to the beach and entering the other tunnel, we walked down the seemingly less flooded place that, instead of rock, had what appeared to be mud walls. But this tunnel comes to a sudden pause next to a step with the small amount of flooding water pouring down it into a deeper flooded section. To the right of the steps is a brick wall; I believe this is connected to the brick wall in the other tunnel I mentioned. Once down the steps, the flooded tunnel soon became briefly lined with more wooden supports and wooden walls before the tunnel carried on. We soon reached what appeared to be the end of the journey; a collision blocking the rest of this tunnel. There were ways through this but there was another collision last that one and we did not what to risk it. However there was a small set of steps to the right which came to a doorway blocked by a wooden panel. Looking through the slits between the wood and the doorway, you can see tourists and people walking on the harbour. I couldn’t get any decent pictures of it but it was still pretty fun to trace the entrance from outside.


28DL Full Member
28DL Full Member
The entrance to the 3 tunnels(the right entrance has another door leading to the third on the inside.)

Inside the middle tunnel

The stream coming from above

The start of the Supports

One side of the brick wall

Unlined section

A small Obstical(Sorry about the blur)

After this the people who dug this place out thought it’d be funny to make the tunnel as small and tight as possible even though the floor’s mud.

Last time to stand up


A strange sinking box




strange marked and broken pipe? Probably nothing

And that’s as far as I got in the middle tunnel


Teim scoobs
28DL Full Member
Good effort but mate be careful, theres some of us that would happily run down those tunnels but plenty more of us who wouldn't. If there's cave'ins especially be extremely cautious.
I would worry about leading kids down with you incase there's an accident.

That all said, nice find and some nice piccys, did you go around the harbour afterwards and find the wooden panel?


Queller of the uprising
Good effort but mate be careful, theres some of us that would happily run down those tunnels but plenty more of us who wouldn't.

I’m one of the idiots who would but I totally agree with @Scoobysrt here.

When going underground you need to be prepared to an extent. If you need to ask me or question what you require, you’re not prepared. And no, a good pair of wellies and a torch isn’t the answer.


28DL Full Member
28DL Full Member
The Right Tunnel

Excuse the quality of the next few from my first visit

The step down
The other side of the brick wall from the other passage?
Random lined bit
The way sea view is a bit wooden
The tunnel goes on but that’s too risky if possible


28DL Full Member
28DL Full Member
Good effort but mate be careful, theres some of us that would happily run down those tunnels but plenty more of us who wouldn't. If there's cave'ins especially be extremely cautious.
I would worry about leading kids down with you incase there's an accident.

That all said, nice find and some nice piccys, did you go around the harbour afterwards and find the wooden panel?
I did question the cave ins but for I had been wanting to do this one for a while and didn’t wanna back out. I probably should’ve to be honest but I definitely see your point about leading other kids in. I think the ones I met were older than me but I know that won’t always be the case. I might rename the report incase younger children see it and look for it though as I don’t want anyone getting caught in there.
But I did find the other side of the panel, turned out to be a lot closer than I thought but it was pretty fun. Thank you for the response :)


28DL Full Member
28DL Full Member
I’m one of the idiots who would but I totally agree with @Scoobysrt here.

When going underground you need to be prepared to an extent. If you need to ask me or question what you require, you’re not prepared. And no, a good pair of wellies and a torch isn’t the answer.
Yeah, I doubt I’ll be going here again on my own or at all after seeing the final collision :/


Teim scoobs
28DL Full Member
Chills, is water pouring through the ceiling like that a bad sign or nothing to worry about?
I know a lot of the caves round here leak but they are mostly sound.


Queller of the uprising
Chillis, is water pouring through the ceiling like that a bad sign or nothing to worry about?
I know a lot of the caves round here leak but they are mostly sound.

Assume this is for me, remove the second i and you’ve got my name right ;)
I’d say if it’s pouring it’s not great but could also mean you’re under the water table, whatever, it’s probably not structurally sound to say the least.

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