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Report - - St George The Martyr Church - Redditch - April 2021 | Other Sites |

Report - St George The Martyr Church - Redditch - April 2021

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28DL Full Member
28DL Full Member

Built by Frederick Preedy in 1876/77 as a chapelry of St Stephen's, Redditch. Located east of the town center where the 19th century growth of the needle industry was concentrated.
It is said that the main employers of the town, the needle makers, did not want their factory workers going to the same church as them and so established a new one on the eastern edge of the then town.
The building was designed by Frederick Preedy, a Worcestershire born architect who had moved his practice to London in about 1860 but who still did a lot of work in Worcester Diocese.

Extended by the addition of the north aisle by H R Lloyd in 1899. Became a separate parish in 1905. Following a realignment of local roads during the time of the development of Redditch New Town in the 1970's/80's, , congregations declined and St George's eventually closed for public worship in July 2012.

At some point after closer it was put on market in the region of £200,000.

The Explore

After Finding out info on this place from a fellow urbexer we decided to head up to the midlands once again for a day of exploring .
This is the 1st church ive done and although it was small it was still pretty impressive and relatively free from any real vandalism .
It still retains many original features, including stained glass windows and exposed beams.
There is also still an impressive huge organ which apparently arrived from Queen's College, Oxford, in 1964,
All pretty impressive for a church that's been closed nearly 10 years!



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28DL Member
28DL Member
yeah still here, nothing happening with it , im presuming someone bought it , but so far nothing

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