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Report - - St George's Hospital, Havering, April 2014 | Asylums and Hospitals |

Report - St George's Hospital, Havering, April 2014

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28DL Member
28DL Member
Very large site close to Hornchurch District line station.

The Hornchurch facility was opened in 1938 as an old people’s home, called Suttons Institution, but soon played a key role in the Battle of Britain – housing RAF airmen during the Second World War.
In 1948 the Sutton’s Lane building was renamed St George’s and turned into a hospital.
The future of the site has been a live issue since at least 2005, when a consultation was launched on whether to refurbish, redevelop or close the hospital.

However, the discovery of Legionella bacteria has now left the hospital lying empty – at least for now.
The future of the site has still not been officially settled.

There is one security guard who sits in his office on his phone, not a peep from him.







I am going to try and go back soon in the day to get some better pictures because the darkness has ruined most of these.

Again sorry about photo sizes, they're gonna be sorted for my next explore, these were taken and uploaded from an iPhone so that may be my problem

Thanks for looking :)


Picture of Stealth
28DL Full Member
Re: St George's Hospital April 2014

Looks like it's worth a visit and just down the road from me! Nice work, dude...!



28DL Full Member
28DL Full Member
Re: St George's Hospital April 2014

Please refrain from all the access talk UrbanMonkey, your opening paragraph blatantly talked about it and so did one of your replies, both have been removed.

If you wish to point people in the right direction, please do so via PM rather than on the open forum :banghead


28DL Member
28DL Member
Re: St George's Hospital April 2014

Please refrain from all the access talk UrbanMonkey, your opening paragraph blatantly talked about it and so did one of your replies, both have been removed.

If you wish to point people in the right direction, please do so via PM rather than on the open forum :banghead

Apologies, I'm a noob and I hadn't properly read the rules, however I have caught up on them and it won't happen again :D


28DL Member
28DL Member
Re: St George's Hospital April 2014

I live within a few miles of this hospital, I used to go round it before it closed (it was basically abandoned way before officially closing and the security man showing up.) beautiful place, especially the mile long corridor in the middle.

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