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Report - - St Lukes Church - Oldham - September 2016 | Other Sites |

Report - St Lukes Church - Oldham - September 2016

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28DL Member
28DL Member
Construction of the church began in 1882 and was completed in 1888 at a total cost of £6,500. The church was designed to hold 500 worshippers making it the largest church in Chadderton. In 1954 a major fire devastated the church and left the majority of the church's roof destroyed, however the church was soon rebuilt and reopened due to the dedication of the church's congregation. By 2008, the church's capacity of 500 worshippers had dwindled to a maximum of only 30, this coupled with the high costs of maintaining the building meant that in September 2008, the decision was made to close the church. The Parish of St Luke was merged with another nearby parish to become the Parish of St Matthew's and St Luke's with the final service being held at the St Luke's church building on 30th November 2008. In 2016 plans were submitted to turn the church building into a community centre and flats, however it is not yet known if these plans will go ahead.

Having had close links with the church and many memories from when I was younger, exploring this building was a MUST. Constant visits to the building to try and find access had proved unsuccessful but whilst passing I paid a visit to discover a very obvious way in had been opened up. The church is in a very good condition inside with neglect starting to show in certain parts of the building, the building looks to have remained sealed since its closure. I only spent around half an hour in the building, with the intention of returning the following day better prepared, only to find that the access had been sealed and someone had already done a great job of tagging one of the walls inside :mad:.

Pictures aren't of the best quality, as I mentioned this was a quick visit and I was more bothered about getting into the building before it was sealed than rushing home for the proper camera.










A short video of the explore


Oxygen Thief

Staff member
Got this by email...

What a sorry sight to see this beautiful parish church abandoned and which closed in 2008 due to a dwindling congregation. I remember attending regularly with my parents as a boy and teenager. Mt father was a church warden and I was a server. The incumbent at that time 1962 - 1968 was Rev Wolfgang Werwath affectionately known as Wolfy. He was shot down over Manchester as a Lutfwaffe airman and after the war became ordained. There is a window in the church designed by him. How sad to see the pictures and video of what remains following closure. But nevertheless very fond memories of St Luke`s as it was in its heyday.