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Report - - St Martin's Hospital, Canterbury - November 2022 | Asylums and Hospitals |

Report - St Martin's Hospital, Canterbury - November 2022

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28DL Regular User
Regular User
One from the backlog. St Martin’s has been posted a number of times but thought I would share my take on the place considering I haven’t done many asylums and this explore was a highlight of 2022 for me. Visited with @JakeV50.

Information & History
It has been covered numerous times before so I won’t go too in-depth. St Martin’s Hospital, or Canterbury Borough Asylum as it was originally known, opened in 1902. The hospital was designed using a compact arrow layout which was one of many architectural design choices of old asylums. Other examples of this layout include Goodmayes Hospital and Severalls in Colchester. In the 1920s the hospital became the Canterbury City Mental Hospital and then was later known as St Martin’s. Referring to such mental health institutions as asylums became somewhat frowned upon and lots of other mental hospitals followed this trend. In the 1980s, patient numbers began to decline and in 2019 the original hospital was sold to Homes England.

More information, including a nice old aerial photo can be found on the County Asylums website. This is always an excellent and reliable resource for anything asylum-related.

The Explore
It was a pretty grim day and freezing cold but we still had a really good day. There didn’t seem to be any life happening on site (ie no security) and was a relaxed wander. We managed to spend about seven hours here in total getting lost a few times in the process. Although it is a small asylum compared to some, the maze of sections and corridors did confuse us at times. I enjoyed this one and although it didn’t have as much decay as I would like it was still great to see it in nice condition. It will be interesting to see what it’s like in a couple of years when more decay sets in unless it is redeveloped within that time. The way out of the perimeter turned out to be a little awkward as there was a large gathering of youths near the gap in the fence, we definitely surprised them when we popped out but they were alright and one of them even offered drugs to us randomly. Good ol' Canterbury haha.

Onto the photos starting with the lovely main hall. I always enjoy the design of these old asylum halls:


Part of the hall was later converted into a sort of church/chapel room:


The corridors seemed endless here despite it being a smaller asylum:






The colours throughout the buildings were varied:



Despite being decay-less for the most part, there were signs of the building aging:




A very decayed toilet:





Record storage room:





A couple of externals to finish:



Thanks for looking!


28DL Regular User
Regular User
I did another camping trip here in August and it’s fucked now. It looked lovely around this time. But yeah the ship has sailed on this one.
That's a shame, sounds like it's gone downhill a fair bit then. Is it natural decay mainly or vandalism?

Good coverage. Looked good in 22, wonder how decayed its become. An update would be interesting.
Thanks Jane, yeah I dread to think what it's like now judging by Landie Man's comment.


Goes where the Buddleia grows
Regular User
Great report mate, love this place and you shot it very well. It's a bit more decayed now I believe which if anything might be a good thing. Access I believe is a bit trickier though, although I would like to see this place one last time


28DL Regular User
Regular User
Great report mate, love this place and you shot it very well. It's a bit more decayed now I believe which if anything might be a good thing. Access I believe is a bit trickier though, although I would like to see this place one last time
Cheers mate, yeah I would imagine access changes fairly often.

Bit of both. But plenty of physical as well as natural. Plus I think some ground floor windows are boarded. So dark downstairs.
Ahh I see, hate it when they board windows and it makes photographing places much more difficult.


28DL Full Member
28DL Full Member
Like with Whitchurch in it's early days, there's a contemporary blandness, but that vibe is being peeled back by decay, so this is becoming a lot more atmospheric and interesting. Shame if it's now turned that corner into a boarded vandals paradise though as that'd be it ruined.
Some lovely pastel colours here, this place has been nicely captured a few times now. Always good to see.
On a side note - I hate how games featuring abandoned interiors always have that inner-city derp look to them - rampant graffiti, dark, more like crack-dens with the Silent Hill grunge slapped on. I'd love a game where the building looks more close to somewhere like this - subtle.


"Landie" or Harry
Regular User
Like with Whitchurch in it's early days, there's a contemporary blandness, but that vibe is being peeled back by decay, so this is becoming a lot more atmospheric and interesting. Shame if it's now turned that corner into a boarded vandals paradise though as that'd be it ruined.
Some lovely pastel colours here, this place has been nicely captured a few times now. Always good to see.
On a side note - I hate how games featuring abandoned interiors always have that inner-city derp look to them - rampant graffiti, dark, more like crack-dens with the Silent Hill grunge slapped on. I'd love a game where the building looks more close to somewhere like this - subtle.

It has become a vandals paradise. It’s fucked.


28DL Member
28DL Member
It has become a vandals paradise. It’s fucked.
Me and a few friends went recently, most of the rooms as a whole are intact but there are wires everywhere and it has clearly been explored a few too many times by people not respecting the culture. Still an amazing place with a now very difficult entry, and definitely worth it however it is not in great condition. Also 80% sure someone's living in there as I found a toothbrush and a razor in one of the cabinets, plus an old coat hung up.

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