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Report - - St Mary's Hospital, Melton Mowbray - November 2019 | Asylums and Hospitals |

Report - St Mary's Hospital, Melton Mowbray - November 2019

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28DL Full Member
28DL Full Member
I know this place has been done a lot... I just had to go and have a look before it is potentially demolished and turned into flats...
This place was built in 1856 originally as Melton Union Workhouse later becoming a hospital and then St Mary's Hospital under the NHS in 1948.
The main workhouse building has been added to so many times it was actually delisted in 2000 and had its Grade II status taken away!
There is still a small mortuary and Victorian Vagrancy Cells at the East side of the site.
Unfortunately although it was easy to get on the site there are a lot of cameras and every door and window is now very well boarded...the Vagrancy Cells are no longer open which was a real shame.If anyone has been recently and wants to share a way in with me please message me. You have no idea how disappointed I am that I couldnt get in and see the cells!








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28DL Full Member
28DL Full Member
Have just been reading that the vagrant cells are going to be demolished!! That would be absolutely criminal! Im going to go up there at the weekend to see if I can get in before its bulldozed :-(

Bikin Glynn

28DL Regular User
Regular User
I managed to only get in the boiler room / maintenance workshop around the same time, shame about the cells but I'm guessing the whole thing will b pulled

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