I was very, very smished by the time we got here, so thanks to my companion for the driving and
kick up the arse as always. Originally there were 20 cells, 10 down each side, and an entrance
through the far gable. At a later date a toilet was built across this entrance and alternative access
was through 2 of the cells. A second access was later opened across 2 other cells.
Originally this was four cells. You can see where the wall has been taken out between the first two.
And again here you can see where the wall used to be across the ceiling.
Ten doors down one side all looked like this.
Again you can see where the cell wall has been removed
The raised “pallet” is a later addition, being made from engineering blues.
The inmate side….twist the handle
….And the guard’s side..the bell rings and the flag shows.... the call system
Support bracket for the folding shelf on all the doors this side / The shelf was locked.
Fire extinguisher holder
Escutcheon over a peep hole.
We couldn’t make sense of the bricked up arches and square holes in the brickwork outside below the window holes.