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St Peter's Mortuary, Chertsey, Surrey

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28DL Member
28DL Member
June 2019
I know this has been done many times over the years but it's my first "proper" explore (as in planned) and I was excited to see it, so just in case there are any newbies (like me!) reading or just if anyone's interested to see what the condition of the place is like now, here's a post!

Access is STILL super easy. No guards, but it was a pretty busy night in terms of explorers and we ended up bumping into two separate groups, one quite large, the other a group of two (like us) who actually ran away from us...don't know if they thought we were security or something.

Sorry for the lack of photos and the fact they're not great quality. There wasn't much to see to be honest (some showers and toilets, the "fridges", a few gutted rooms etc), but it was still interesting and an easy explore.

Photo Jun 21, 11 30 08 PM.jpg

Photo Jun 22, 12 01 47 AM.jpg

Photo Jun 21, 11 59 10 PM.jpg

Photo Jun 21, 11 59 33 PM.jpg

Photo Jun 22, 12 04 46 AM.jpg

Photo Jun 21, 11 58 21 PM.jpg

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