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Report - - Standish Hospital, Stroud - Jan 2018 | Asylums and Hospitals |

Report - Standish Hospital, Stroud - Jan 2018

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28DL Full Member
28DL Full Member
Soooo another little report. Drove over on a frosty morn to check out this hospital. Now this place is fenced off really badly BUT has some impressive cameras dotted about. We got there and strolled unknowingly past the security cabin with no one to be seen after we noticed it. Its a large place with large open ground. We could not get access inside and had been adivsed from research online its alarmed so never forced entry - wouldn't anyway!!!! So we were left to crack the drones up and have a fly about. The place looks empty peering through windows but does look worth a visit if there was a way inside. Here are a few drone shots anyway.......




grumpy sod
Regular User
Some parts of it were never alarmed however that was a while back and on a return visit a year or so ago they really had gone to town with securing the place and cameras and everything.

A large African security guard called Ola used to live in the old manor house building and he never used to mind you going round taking photos 'as long as you didn't go inside' - I remember seeing him on my first visit as we walked into the site, walking out of the site towards us wheeling a suitcase behind him!


28DL Full Member
28DL Full Member
Some parts of it were never alarmed however that was a while back and on a return visit a year or so ago they really had gone to town with securing the place and cameras and everything.

A large African security guard called Ola used to live in the old manor house building and he never used to mind you going round taking photos 'as long as you didn't go inside' - I remember seeing him on my first visit as we walked into the site, walking out of the site towards us wheeling a suitcase behind him!
Why a suitcase was he planning to move in with you.


28DL Member
28DL Member
Any idea on if the alleged dogs and stuff are true? Apparently there's guard dogs and stuff but? Before I check it out I wanna know if there's any security precautions


28DL Full Member
28DL Full Member
Any idea on if the alleged dogs and stuff are true? Apparently there's guard dogs and stuff but? Before I check it out I wanna know if there's any security precautions
When I went no one was about - I did rock up about 7:30am ish and just stroll in! There are lots of cameras but not heard of dogs - good luck gaining entry as it’s all bolted closed and plated doors with sheets of metal
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grumpy sod
Regular User
When I went no one was about - I did rock up about 7:30am ish and just stroll in! There are lots of cameras but not heard of dogs - good luck gaining entry as it’s all bolted closed and plated doors with sheets of metal

Plus loads of PIR alarms in the buildings.


Staff member
They used to have little dalek type things dotted around - perhaps they’ve gone now? Used to be bloody loud!


28DL Full Member
28DL Full Member
Snap, hit me up if you fancy some underground adventures.
Underground? As long as I can get out freely I’ll be good haha!! Only been to a few places and been caught at a few others so well up for meeting up at some point

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