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Report - Standish Hospital (take two) Stonehouse - Aug 2014

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28DL Full Member
28DL Full Member
This is just a quick report to compliment PopPunkJamies report,was my first accompanied trip and very enjoyable too.No history on this one as its been done several times before.
Was great meeting PopPunkJamie and Cleggy,top blokes,knowledgable and good company.Cleggys amazing knowledge of the place came in useful for keeping secca off his crossword without us getting caught.... Quick history for those who don't know-
Originally owned by Lord Sherborne, Standish House was occupied from 1850-1880 by the Railway magnate Richard Potter, during which time the house was enlarged in 1865. During World War I, Standish House was put to use as a Red Cross Hospital where servicemen were sent to convalesce. In the 1920s it became a TB sanatorium.This 30 acre site has often been in the press since,despite excellent reviews the budget wasn't there,a ten year effort by the locals and ex-patients couldn't delay the end.Even a Healthcare Campus idea which was given the clear to start in Serpt 2011 came to nothing.It now lies beyond repair.

Started in the hospital wards...

I love pics of peeling paint,so here is one

More paint porn-mmmm,nice..

Favourite part was the Hydro wing

Staff changing rooms..

Then leaving the best to last we ran,hid like giggling schoolgirls,avoided secca and made it to the mannor house..still a few beautiful original features left like this,one in each main room

More original features..

Detail of laundry lift mechanism

THAT toilet

Also like pics of signs,so heres one of those

Anyone else thinking 'what a waste'??

So there you have it.I still struggle to comprehend how the people who list and protect places like these are standing by watching them slowly fall into ruin.With damp and parts of the roof coming in its hard to believe this 185 year old building and make it to the double century.
Thanks again to the lads,hope we can meet up again soon,thanks for putting up with a noobie.
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A life backwards
28DL Full Member
Re: Standish Hospital (take two) Stonehouse,Aug 2014

Nice pics, like no.2 especially :)


28DL Full Member
28DL Full Member
Re: Standish Hospital (take two) Stonehouse,Aug 2014

Can you please add some history to the start of the report please, not everyone knows the back story of sites, especially if they are newly signed up. :thumb


Irregular User
28DL Full Member
Re: Standish Hospital (take two) Stonehouse,Aug 2014

Good work dude, glad you enjoyed yourself!


28DL Full Member
28DL Full Member
Re: Standish Hospital (take two) Stonehouse,Aug 2014


Who turned the X-Ray machine off!!!!!!!!!


28DL Full Member
28DL Full Member
Re: Standish Hospital (take two) Stonehouse,Aug 2014

Sorry,will add history tomorrow evening after work,thanks


Re: Standish Hospital (take two) Stonehouse,Aug 2014


Wow, I'm loving that fireplace, worth a few quid on eBay that.

Lord Oort

Fear is the little death
Regular User
Re: Standish Hospital (take two) Stonehouse,Aug 2014

Awesome, I so want to visit this place.


28DL Full Member
28DL Full Member
Re: Standish Hospital (take two) Stonehouse,Aug 2014

Some lovely shots here, thanks for sharing - I too love the "Paint Porn" I 'spose we all do, or we wouldn't be here!

Interestingly I'm yet to see anyone cover the outdoor staff swimming pool that is on site - I have a few happy (but cold) childhood memories of summer there, I'll make an effort to risk the Secca, try and find it and get some pics up soon!



28DL Full Member
28DL Full Member
Re: Standish Hospital (take two) Stonehouse,Aug 2014

Do that mate,would be very interesting,never knew they had one. So much more there to see,it's huge!

Will Knot

28DL Full Member
28DL Full Member
Re: Standish Hospital (take two) Stonehouse,Aug 2014

A great report there Huey, like the pictures, looks a nice explore, thanks for sharin' :thumb