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Report - - Staplefield Auxillary Bunker 13/04/11 | Military Sites |

Report - Staplefield Auxillary Bunker 13/04/11

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28DL Member
28DL Member
It's been 4 years since this place had a report, pretty small so perfect for my first report, I will be honest and say that I was not planning on creating any form of report whilst I was down the hole, so sadly the first report shall relatively small... Apologies to all!

The history has been covered before, I'll cut to the chase.
After some logical:banghead hunting around in amongst the Bluebells, not knowing what to look for but knowing we were in the right place we stumbled across the partially covered shaft.

Somebody had nicely left some pegs made from branches in the holes where I guess the wrungs would of been, I was straight down no problem, once down I was happily suprised that it was graffiti free and some fittings were still intact.


In the main chamber there was signs of water with some still remaining, also there is a fair mound of mud directly below a ventilation shute. There does seem to of been human activity in there since REEF's report as the large plastic bottle suggests.


I was chuffed there was no badger and amazed at the condition of the escape tunnel although minor cracking has occured, minor leaf litter problem halfway through but still passable.


All in all I was happy to see it hadn't been sealed or "Chavved" especially as it was my first taste of UE!

Admin- I do have pictures of the "Peg ladder" and the partially covered hatch but I reckoned that might be an access issue?

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