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Information - T.G.Green Pottery site / Church Gresley

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28DL Member
28DL Member
Hello Ladies & Gentlemen
If the Admin allows, I'd like to make a plea. I am the Historian & Archivist for T.G.Green pottery, based at Sharpe's Museum in Swadlincote, South Derbyshire.
Sept 10 / 13th are Heritage Open Days, this year the old T.G.Green site at Church Gresley was to have featured as part of the event. Those that have been on site will know what a wealth of information had been left there and your photos have been thought provoking and mesmerising.
However, due to so many urbanexers trespassing on this now privately owned site, the owner has changed his mind about allowing official organised tours of the buildings leaving many genuine and interested people feeling let down and all the hard work I have done creating the event during the last 12 months with nothing.
On Bank Holiday August weekend alone, the land owner found 14 people with cameras on his land, which leaves him very distressed. Often referred to as 'Mr Angry' on YouTube videos, he has every right to be. The site is no longer a derelict pottery site but the man’s business which he operates from. Urbanexers are, at the end of the day, trespassing on someone’s legitimately run business and spoiling it for legitimate visits with permission.

Please resect the land owner and his wishes and view the factory with respect from the road and not his land. Thank You


Got Epic Slow?
Regular User
So whats changed because last time i was there it definitely was a derelict pottery, whats this legitimately run business you mention?

The owner sounds like an arse to be honest with you. Whats he trying to achieve by stopping open days? If he actually had open days then people who want to see it could go along to those instead no? Talk about shooting himself in the foot! The problem is the place has been left in a derelict state for years. At one time the security/owners were actively encouraging people to go there by giving 'tours' for a small fee. If this guy is a new owner he needs to take on the responsibility of securing his new purchase properly.


28DL Regular User
Regular User
I think it was foolish not to have tied up with the firm as it was winding down, then the archives that have turned to mush due to leaking roofs might have been saved. I'd say due to the work of 'urbexers' the building has been thoroughly documented before it's rapid decline over recent years.

Urban explorers don't enter sites in use by businesses. If there has been a development with the site please let us know.


28DL Member
28DL Member
The landowners business is: Eco Skip Hire Ltd. He purchased the vacant factory plot in 2010 through auction. The land is used for his skips and his business. He also is a licensed vehicle dismantler and the out buildings are now used to store his tools and parts. The main pottery buildings themselves have now been bricked up and there is no entry whatsoever. He didn't allow the buildings to fall into disrepair, there has been a steady stream of gypsies who took the lead and metals and vandals who just went in on many occasions to smash the place up. He is now working with myself, South Derbyshire District Council and English Heritage to move forward to secure the buildings for the future. I am looking at gaining HLF funding to preserve the kilns and remaining buildings, I need him to work with me. The site has a 24 hour security office as part of his business. Thanks


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A fellow of infinite jest
28DL Full Member
We went three years ago and again 4 weeks ago (not bank holiday). In the interim some of the buildings at the west of the site have been demoed and the boundary wall to the west has been rebuilt. Apart from that, little appeared to have changed. It’s still a soggy derp and it’s still a walk in, all the way from the road to the kilns. I certainly didn’t see any sign of a “current legitimately run business.” As @Speed suggests, if he doesn’t want people wandering in, he should review his security.

Also, no planning activity or VOA activity for the last five years that I could find when I looked last month so out of interest, what is his legitimate business?


28DL Member
28DL Member
Guys, I really don't want to get into arguments. I am the Historian & Archivist for the company, I am working to preserve the site. I don't want people trespassing onto the land as much as the land owner doesn't. Please just respect our wishes. Thank You.

Lord Oort

Fear is the little death
Regular User
For what it's worth,

So your stance is 'keep out because we say so'

You're gonna have to provide a bit more of an incentive to stop people having a mooch than that...


rebmeM LD82
Regular User
While I can sympathise with what you're saying, the very essence of urban exploration is that we trespass and we make no apologies for this. The fact there's a business operating from a portion of the land on which is it based makes little to no difference to whether we chose to explore somewhere or not. What the land owner needs to do is realise that this will happen when he's sitting as guardian of such a place, and what he needs to do is separate what we do with what you're trying to do as they are two entirely different things.

Lord Oort

Fear is the little death
Regular User
Only public one I could find is this, where he isn't particularly angry. jump to 6:42 for the confrontation.
