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28DL and UE in the News - Terry's, York

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28DL Full Member
28DL Full Member
28 DL, gets a mention in the York Evening Press (wow! really hitting the big time). Also, looks like security has been increased at the site.

Story is here.



Punkus Explorus
28DL Full Member
Good publicity in the comments apart from the mardy twat who posted the 2nd comment. Did Styru or OT comment on the article by any chance??

Boba Low

SWC ___/
28DL Full Member
I'm fucking sick of hearing about the place, they need to just stick a nice crane up and develop it already, its fucked. I'm almost looking forward to doing the clock tower all over again once it's back online.

The Stig

Urbex = Nosey Bastard
28DL Full Member
Its good that they reacted on the comment but all its done in my eyes is just given everyone a challenge not to get caught now.


28DL Full Member
28DL Full Member
Ha I think they used part of my write up from my report (about visiting with 2 non members) but they think I'm a he! lol


i actually rang the news desk, as the 'chief reporter' contradicted himself;-'Vandals breach security at former Terry’s chocolate factory' then he said;-'There is no suggestion any vandalism or theft happened during their exploration'.....waiting for his reply as he's 'away on holiday'....see what he has to say to me...keep you posted.
If 'vandals' do 'breach' security, there's FUCK ALL to take anyway!
Obviously he doesn't know what he's on about! And to piece comments from various reports just makes us all look like a bunch of thieving pikey fuckers & gives us a bad rep!


28DL Full Member
28DL Full Member
This is a joke, i went the other day and there was no security there, i even got in the way i always have. mind you they have done a good job of putting shutters on the stairwells!

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