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Report - - Thames Water Bunker, Blunsdon - Aug 2017 | Underground Sites |

Report - Thames Water Bunker, Blunsdon - Aug 2017

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28DL Member
28DL Member
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copied from Bertie Bollockbrains's November 2015 report which copied from Tommo's 2011 report:

"All the water utility companies where slightly on edge during the cold war and where made to put their own safeguards in place for cleaning up contaminated water in reservoirs for cities,towns and villages in the event of a nuclear fall out. Blunsdon near Swindon was one of a couple built by Tilbury Douglas Construction Ltd for Thames Water. They also built bunkers at water reservoirs in Donnington and Widdenton. Originally I thought this was built around the mid 80s and up until i had a really good look through all the paper work left behind a lot of the schematics and building diagrams are dated around the early 90s, a lot of kit including the generator and air filtration units where supplied around 1992 and 1993, the generator itself was supplied by Bristol Generator Company LTD and the air filtration equipment by LUWA air products in Birmingham.

Said to be built for 12 workers living up to 30 days underground."

- Report -

TLDR: Totally flooded.

Bertie's post already reported that it was pretty water damaged etc, but now its totally submerged.

I was looking for somewhere relatively close by to venture to during my free time. Searched up and found out about Blunsdon Thames Water Bunker which is within driving distance.

Equipped with others' photos, a friend and I located it and found the "gap" in the fence to get through into the barred field. - All images cant be uploaded to this site, so here's a small (3image) imgur album.

First, there was water flowing OUT of the door and onto the main area, so that was our first red flag. Door has been more securely shut with padlock and chain feeding through the door vents and up onto a broken door handle on the inside of the door. Tried to open the door, tried to look inside, gap only wide enough for a skinny arm. There was a skylight style thing on the top of the bunker but that's been screwed down shut, didn't have anything to open it with to even have a look what was under.

Stuck the phone through the gap with the flash on to try take a look, totally flooded. From the video it looks like the blast door is completely wide open too so no hope of the flooding only being in the stairway. Not any time soon that anyone will be going back down there again. Its a shame because from previous posts it looked so pristine and clean and the lights may have been working!

Oh well, onto the next.
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Lord Oort

Fear is the little death
Regular User
Jesus! there was less than an inch of water last time I was there. Bloody good job its getting flattened.

Bertie Bollockbrains

There is no pain
Regular User
Sorry everyone. I may have left the decontamination shower running when I visited in 2015. In my defence, after experiencing the joys of Oort's toxic fart cloud, which was akin to chemical warfare, I definitely did need to use that decontamination shower.


Conspicuous Loiterer
Regular User
Why can't you post your imgur links? Just put the picture's URL between [ IMG ] and [ /IMG ] with no spaces


A Predisposed Tourist
Regular User
theres an insert image tab on the post editor,you copy web address of your picture in to that


28DL Member
28DL Member


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