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Report - The Blessed John Roche Catholic School, Smithfield's market, London

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28DL Full Member
28DL Full Member
Visited with AndrewB and Layz before the 28DL meet

This day could not be described in anything less than fantastic, good wander around laaaannndaaannn and some unexpected results.

Im aware that there have been 2 other good reports on these locations,so will only be displaying the pictures i took seperatly. this is certainly not going to be a massive report, so ive included some pics from the catacombs that evening.

As with the other 2, the history on this pace is somewhat sparse, and as we left we were left with a fair few questions about it. from what i can see, as Layz has already pointed out the place was closed for a "Fresh Start" in 2005, but had some other activity in late 2008. i have no doubt this had something to do with the amount of kids there - in 2006 there were a total of 51 children there out of 450!

First of all i have this picture of a rather nice looking clock:


This was underneath the stage that Layz and AndrewB featured in thier reports:


I have 2 questions for this, why is there a toaster in an art classroom - and what is it doing right next to the sink....


Stairwell shotz had to be done:


This i was rather impressed with:


Now for one of my favourite things about this school. the numerous quotes that were plastered on the most prominent walls on the site, both previous reports included the first one we stumbled across - but i thought id show a couple more of them....before my camera died



The number "14" was scribbled in various locations in polish on the site, i thought maybe they were checkpoints but i didnt see why they were the same number?


Big lock for a flimsy cupboard?


One of the tablets on the walls of the main hall


This is certainly not something i expected to see in an RC school!!!


Do love my door shotz


Agenda for the day:


Now i know these are rather comfy, bar the crap on it of course..


This room shared a remarkable resemblence to my bedroom and was just bursting with goodness. suprisingly we got to spend a while here even tho we set 3 out of 4 of the PIR's off.....


And a couple from Smithfields market in the evening:


Not the best of photos, but it gives you an idea of the size of the place:


And finally, the fella with a condom on his finger!


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