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Report - - The Civic Centre, Plymouth - October 2018 | High Stuff |

Report - The Civic Centre, Plymouth - October 2018

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Plymouth Civic Centre in 8mm

Plymouth Civic Centre is a former principal administrative centre of Plymouth, Devon, England. Opened in 1962, the building was used by Plymouth City Council until it was sold for development in 2015. It has been Grade II Listed since 2007.

The Civic Centre is a fourteen-storey tower block, with a ‘butterfly’ roof canopy and an attached two-storey block to the north. The tower housed the offices of the various municipal departments. The top storey of the tower was originally the Rooftop Restaurant, which was open to the public and closed in 1975. The adjoining two-storey building Council House has a number of committee rooms, a council chamber, reception room and the Lord Mayor’s suite.Plymouth Civic Centre is a former principal administrative centre of Plymouth, Devon, England. Opened in 1962, the building was used by Plymouth City Council until it was sold for development in 2015. It has been Grade II Listed since 2007.

The building still sits there - empty - awaiting its fate.


After a very early start and the largest coffee that Costa sold, we were in Britain's favourite seaside town - Plymouth. Having only recently been made aware of this building's existence, I didn't really know what to expect. I find that's often the best approach - to go at it with no expectations meaning that you're less likely to be disappointed if it's a bit naff. This one however, on this particular morning, did not disappoint. One of the people I went with used to live down that way, so was fairly clued up and even knew a way in having been a few weeks prior to suss it out.

The building itself is pretty stripped inside sadly. That being said, I think even when this building was in use it would have been pretty bland and uninteresting inside. Nothing about a council office exactly screams exciting, even in a city that is such a tourist magnet!

Gotta hand it to @END-PROC - he sussed this out and showed us around. Us being myself and @WhoDaresWins #bristolontour








This is the main foyer area on the ground floor but upon seeing a few PIRs we decided to give it a miss. A few weeks later, someone else got in and risked it. Within 20 mins there were police everywhere and even a chopper I believe so lucky we didn't :p


Now onto the roof. This is what we primarily went for and boy was it worth it! It's clear from various signage around that the police are still using this building for telecoms so that would explain the huge response we heard of a few weeks after. Whether that's still the case now in 2020 I have no idea - anyone please do share if you know anything.







Calamity Jane

i see beauty in the unloved, places & things
Regular User
cracking shots, especially like the lift to roof top shot. Some nice colours in the sky too. :thumb


28DL Member
28DL Member
How do you get in? We tried to get in but it seems boarded up/got loads of metal stuff. Can't find the route in? How did you get in after you've passed the main boards.


Queller of the uprising
How do you get in? We tried to get in but it seems boarded up/got loads of metal stuff. Can't find the route in? How did you get in after you've passed the main boards.

Well this is a good first post. Asking outright for locations doesn’t usually go down too well. I’d suggest doing the leg work and research yourself.

Have a read of the following link before you progress and further on the site:


Staff member
How do you get in? We tried to get in but it seems boarded up/got loads of metal stuff. Can't find the route in? How did you get in after you've passed the main boards.
I hear it's pretty tight these days - you'll do well to find a way in without causing damage...

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