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Report - - The Fountain of Youth ..... Nr Penzance ... Cornwall ... July 2020 | Other Sites |

Report - The Fountain of Youth ..... Nr Penzance ... Cornwall ... July 2020

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steve hannaford

28DL Full Member
28DL Full Member
For centuries humans have dreamt of immortality,a way to live beyond their years, to reverse the march of time and stay forever youthful.
Do such mythical places exist such as the fabled Fountain of Youth .... Well just maybe ...
Deep in darkest Cornwall in a cove far from any road there is a unique place that could be just as close as you could get .
In the latter part of the 18th century marine biologist John Stackhouse had two rock cut baths cut into the rocks of the cove below his residence.
Little is written about this place but it is assumed that the baths were for his Wife Susannah who was of poor health.
One a sea bath that was always filled with fresh sea water, either for the study of seaweed and algae or for bathing, which at the time was acknowledged by the aristocracy as being medicinal.
The second is about three metres above sea level,the rock carved steps long worn away by the erosion of the sea only the top step remaining
A horizontal tunnel driven four metres into the Tufa rock face by hand tools,pick marks still clearly visible today.
The tunnel leads into a chamber approximately 8ft by 6ft.
A rectangular bath cut into the floor of the chamber that’s about four feet deep that is constantly filled by a natural spring that drips from a shaft that rises skywards in the ceiling of the chamber.
The walls of that shaft that are rectangular at the surface and then funnel like as it enters the chamber are covered in rich green algae.
As the spring water runs over the algae it draws the nutrients from the rich green carpet,then drips onto a Tufa pad before running into the bath thus dragging the minerals from the rock into the bath .... once the bath is full it flows out through the entrance tunnel thus always ensuring fresh water in the bath.
Pretty ingenious for the time.

So verdict on the Fountain of Youth ...
Questions ...

Will it grant me immortality..... don’t be so fucking stupid .

Will it prolong my years ..... I think yes ... If your bit of a chubba and you used this bath everyday the long walk to and fro to it would get you fit .... Exercise will make you live longer.

Will it make me look younger ..... Probably yes the natural concoction of nutrients and minerals in the water has an moisturising effect and is known to be good for skin ailments.

Personal experience..... Was a bloody long walk and was good to have a dip in the cold water on a hot day .... left my skin feeling oily and moisturised but that could of been the dead sheep laid in the spring on the cliff top ..... but on the way home I stopped in a Camborne petrol station to get a Costa and 20 JPS ( because who wants to live for ever eh ) And the young female on the checkout definitely winked at me , I even checked over my shoulder to make sure she was winking at me.
As I sat back in the car sipping on my Costa, I thought to myself did the bath really work.... But I came to the conclusion that she had a severe facial tic by the way she was dribbling through her blue COVID 19 face mask I ❤️Cornwall










Calamity Jane

i see beauty in the unloved, places & things
Regular User
Very interesting story and one ive not heard about. Dont much like the sound of dead sheep dripping into a bath though. Looks very romantic, candles make for great photos & lovely colours there. Did you dip alone is the question;)

steve hannaford

28DL Full Member
28DL Full Member
Very interesting story and one ive not heard about. Dont much like the sound of dead sheep dripping into a bath though. Looks very romantic, candles make for great photos & lovely colours there. Did you dip alone is the question;)
Thank you ... No I shared the lamb stew ... quite a funny story there but can write about it on here and definitely can’t post the images o_O

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