'The Heron' is a new build due for completion in 2013, not to be confused with the much bigger 'Heron Tower'
The main tower core on the east side of the development has now been completed to it's maximum height comprising 36 floors at a height of 112M
There are 3 cranes on site, the taller TC being over 400ft and extending a further 30ft or so beyond the main core
After a long day & night murking about the city with Squirrell & Rooks, we returned back to EC2 in the early hours for another crack at this site
We earlier had to f00k off as the security company were doing a perimeter check and sat in his car for an absolute age!
We left sleeping beauty in the car with banana whilst me and squiz jumped the noisiest gate ever and made our way over to the crane
Having climbed up the crane a few levels we were knackered and decided to climb back into the core and up the stairwell, the plan being climb back on nearer the top..
It was fast approaching 6am and the twilight was fading, we reached level 36 (THE TOP) and headed over to the TC
The stabilizers were much further away from the core now and located in between any conceivable access thus proving impossible to get across
"I'll be fucked if I'm going all the way back down to climb another 400ft up ladders"
We settled for the rooftop, apologies the pics aren't up to the usual standard of stuff coming out of the city, but it was foggy, I was knackered, and tbh really couldn't be arsed by this point
Anyway a few pics for our efforts
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