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Report - The Lido & Clifton baths Margate kent Summer 2013

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A Predisposed Tourist
Regular User
Visited with Obscurity,Spaceinvader,UrbanGinger,and 2 non members

After such a long break since the last time we visited and it being sealed then Blatantly ripped open and then sealed tight this place has been off the circuit of explore,so after a lot of recce and planning a way in was found although it very public and risky,so off we went to crack on,thos of you who have visited will know the baths are tidal so with that in mind the first visit was a short one due to the "old" way used to get into the rest of the areas via the old smugglers tunnels being a tad destroyed and collapsed.2nd visit was sorted and the rest of the place was explored only missing a few bits here and there due to the rather non existent routes

Brief history of which there is much

The complex of buildings on the site are of two distinct phases: an early-C19 sea bathing
establishment, dating from 1824, called the Clifton Baths; and a C20 lido, dating from 1926, called the Cliftonville Lido from 1938. The structures are on four levels, the lower levels excavated from the chalk cliffs and only the upper level, on the landward side, above ground level.

More to be found here Margate Architecture: Clifonville Baths granted listed status

On with the pics

Echoes nightclub



A few from Hades where the raves all happened a long time ago now


Price list would be a dream in this day and age


The underground Harbour and then down a level




Below echoes Club


Into the changing rooms which is generaly a tad of a paddle about






Up in the main hall area


The not so grand hall,when i visited 3 years ago it was full of the rotten contents of the hall,stage,chairs the lot all gone


Thanks for putting up with so many images which arent my best, but last time i was here i used a very old nokia mobile fone and fortunately i wasn't a member on here back then so not many people have seen it
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A Predisposed Tourist
Regular User
Hi, i want to know more abt the building floor plan for my uni project. Can you help me with tht

Sorry i don't have a building floor plan,give the owner a message ,and no i don't know who owns it,so for your Uni project you may have to do a little research


28DL Full Member
28DL Full Member
I've been researching this place a while now and have managed to access too small areas but unfortunately I need help and dont know who too ask. Some of you may know fleshy. Well thanks to him me and a friend got in last nite but cant access the main floors, any help would be appreciated


A Predisposed Tourist
Regular User
I've been researching this place a while now and have managed to access too small areas but unfortunately I need help and dont know who too ask. Some of you may know fleshy. Well thanks to him me and a friend got in last nite but cant access the main floors, any help would be appreciated
mate its all changed in the ten years we did this, they are ,or where clearing it all out, if you have gained access to the lower areas, there are stairs up. All depends what parts you have got into, cos not all of it leads up/down


28DL Full Member
28DL Full Member
Its hard to explain but i think theres a subterranean seabathing system of tunnels from before 1903 with a sinkpool. Alot has been filled or blocked. Id be happy to show you since ive seen alot of ur posts. 100% ur trustworthy.
Big fan btw lol


A Predisposed Tourist
Regular User
Its hard to explain but i think theres a subterranean seabathing system of tunnels from before 1903 with a sinkpool. Alot has been filled or blocked. Id be happy to show you since ive seen alot of ur posts. 100% ur trustworthy.
Big fan btw lol
im old and retired..from life in general..
But yeah theres the clitfon baths, and should show in my pics what people call the undergorund harbour.. its not quite that


28DL Full Member
28DL Full Member
Ive seen the pics of the underground harbour and im hoping to gain access. Its just hard knowing who i can talk too as im totally unknown at the moment. Fleshy can vouch for me but untill i start reporting my finds its difficult lol


A Predisposed Tourist
Regular User
Ive seen the pics of the underground harbour and im hoping to gain access. Its just hard knowing who i can talk too as im totally unknown at the moment. Fleshy can vouch for me but untill i start reporting my finds its difficult lol
id also be careful talking about possible access, this is after all the public part of the forum. people do look thru reports , the sort of people that own or help out at these locations

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