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Report - - The Mortuary Collection, Bristol - 2008-2018 | Asylums and Hospitals |

Report - The Mortuary Collection, Bristol - 2008-2018

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Crusty Juggler
Staff member
In my head this seemed like a good idea. I mean I like to type away complete nonsense in most of my reports so why change the habit of a lifetime.

Over the years we've been blessed with a decent array of mortuary and slab goodness in Bristol. The odd thing is for the most part while I have done reports on the hospitals linked to them I've failed to put any mortuary photos in. This sometimes because of external factors that threw a spanner in the works. Well more hand than spanner but hey here we go with a ramble through the mortuaries of Brizzle.

Barrow Hospital - 2008


It all began at Barrow. First time I ventured here I didn't even realise there was a mortuary. After my first venture with @Rookinella & @rigsby I looked up at various maps and then started to realise there was one. At this point most of the site was really well secured. Boarded up and very active security.


Determined to at least find the damn thing myself and @rigsby ended up trekking across from the woods miles away in the dark of the night. We got as far as the corner of the administration wing before hearing quad bikes and voices. It wasn't till the evening before the now famous 28 piss up that we finally cracked it. This time with Rooks & Silversteath we rocked up and to our amazement the door of the mortuary was just wide open. Having pushed it open the disappointment of no slab, fridges or anything really that makes a mortuary to be seen. The chapel of rest had a lovely stained window and the original 1948 sign was a nice touch. Why I didn't yoink it at the time I'll never know. This would become a reoccurring feature.

The following Sunday after the piss up those who weren't completely hungover or dead after of the most epic 28 piss ups on record headed back. We finally got to see it all glory in daylight. For all the lack of stuff inside it was quite a pretty thing from the out.

Beware of the frogs.






Hanham Hall Hospital - 2009

What can I say about this one, well easy - too fucking late sunshine. By the time rocked up the mortuary was 80% gone. Oh well. Next.


Bristol General Hospital - 2013

So I got really lucky here. I had blagged a permission visit to the main buildings when I mentioned about a mortuary to the security folks who let me have a free roam.

'Oh yeah that building in the car park is the mortuary, everything is still in it'

'It's being knocked down next week'



Back in 2008 when looking at the BGH with @Rookinella I'd joked to her that this rather decrepit looking building was the mortuary. Turns out it was and better still fully loaded. I was extremely lucky to get access in here, because a week later it gone. The developers said Speed could have the slab for £1500 if he wanted. Ha!

This was a proper decayed time warp. Probably not in use since the late 1970's, porcelain slab, amazing body lifter on rails and another sign that I really should have yoinked. Sigh.

Originally there were two slabs here, I did wonder why one had been removed. I'd realise eventually..









Later on in the day I'd stumble across another body fridge in the main building. I guess this was put in place after the mortuary was decommissioned and the bodies then ferried to the BRI for PM.


Frenchay Hospital - 2014

Ah Frenchay, a proper good explore that didn't last very long. The mortuary was a handy old place. Proper epic levels of slab action along with fridges, instruments, paperwork and well..

..other items.

We'd spent a whole week going through the main site when we focused on the mortuary. No obviously way in but then @END-PROC finds a window he can crawl through. Pops the fire door for us to follow in

'Yeah its alright, its got stuff in it' he says.



Ah! So thats where the other slab from the BGH ended up:





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OpEn ThE LID foR a SuRPiSE


Bristol Royal Infirmary - 2018

Didn't even expect this. There is a bigger mortuary the other side in the main buildings but after someone mentioned there was one on this side the fun continued. We'd been peppering the old BRI buildings all summer. A total and blatant disregard for the most pathetic of VPS Gold security systems. To the point where we just laughed at the automated voices and lousy battery drained PIRs. But a mortuary was never on the cards. Too bad it had in part been demo'd but slabs and body lifters meant it was still a good one to tick off.





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